Phone: (215) 357-6800, Fax: (215) 357-1251Questions or comments? RECYCLING & HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENTS Choosing to recycle used electronics over landfill disposal reduces the need to process raw materials for new products. But it can also be confusing. NjJhZjg1MTZmOTliNjYwODQwNzU0ZDZjMWZhM2UyMzFlZWZmNTQ4NTY4NzQx If you are unsure whether you can bring an item please call first. Electronics Recycling Collection Programs Various counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, environmental advocacy organizations and commercial waste haulers operate or sponsor sites or events where citizens can drop off waste electronic devices or equipment that are prohibited from disposal at municipal waste facilities by the Covered Device Recycling Act, Act 108 of 2010 . Menu Home; Rankings. Listed below are several locations to drop off your television, as well as companies that will come to pick up your television for recycling. The first group of settlers to take up permanent residence in the village were the English Quakers. Acceptable items for recycling include small appliances, printers, computers, laptops, VCR, mics, wires, random metal items, anything with a plug. Click here to join zoom meeting. 6776 Easton Road x=8$@kx4tA`A2OfX:> -K,VUN??\~qRr~q!MVfON1_!?c_~?Nttj@k!p:EZ ^uE4EzO!4Ozn [L)@=9GI L L` Five items per car; items stay in trunk. These devices and their components must be properly recycled and may not be taken to landfills or other solid waste disposal facilities. A local politician is hosting an electronics recycling event at a Bucks County high school for community members to partake in. DEP maintains this list based on publicly available information and information submitted to the Department. NDY0OTFiNWVlOWM1Yjg3ZTVlNjEyZDc2MTczZjEzY2YxMDk2NmUxOTg2NzFh Today, Falls Township is a suburban Philadelphia township in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, United States. Household products containing toxic chemicals, like pesticides, oil-based paints, solvents, cleaning products, weed killers and automotive batteries can be a threat to people and the environment if improperly discarded. Special Waste Materials Curbside Collection Programs page to see if your community maintains such a program and for details about what materials are eligible for collection and how to participate. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 42 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Northampton Township55 Township Road, Richboro, PA 18954 215-458-7879, 611 Metals Bucks County Recreation Council (BCRC) Summer 2022 Concerts & Movies Schedule. The City also hosts community-wide clean-up events throughout the year. For general appointments please limit TV's/Monitors to 3 per scheduled appointment, and 2-3 boxes of misc. ZWEwYTU3YWM0NzM3YWI1MDA5OWEyZjI0Yzg0NzU2NWEzODdiYzYyOWFmMDY5 2020 Falls Township. These programs ensure that the waste electronics are recycled or properly disposed such that valuable materials are recovered and hazardous materials are prevented from creating environmental and public health hazards. uh. Household Battery Recycling -Rechargeable ONLY--Alkaline Batteries are permitted to be disposed of in your regular household trash in Pennsylvania. OGRhMmFiZGFmYjdmNzA3MTA4NGFhMzg3ZjkyYjNiZjE5Mjc2MWY0ZDg2YjJk Upcoming Event Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2022 Location: Sheffield, Illinois. Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, EMERGENCY DIAL 9-1-1 Residents of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. This year, the three participating Municipalities were Newtown, Marple and Springfield Townships. For general appointments please limit TV's/Monitors to 3 per scheduled appointment, and 2-3 boxes of misc. Junk Automobiles.pdf. Foam Recycling. Accepted Items: Oxford Valley Mall, What is an Implementable Comprehensive Plan? Not all locations may accept all items, such as TVs. JOLIET - Will County will continue to offer five electronic recycling sites through intergovernmental agreements approved at the Thursday, Feb. 16, County Board meeting. NDBlMTc0YjU4MjYwYWUxYjFlODliNGJlN2EwZDQzOTU3YWJlOWEzMmRkMDAz 14 Dec, 2022 April 22, 2023 Governor Mifflin Intermediate School 600 Governor Drive Shillington, Pa. 19607 Pre-registration is required to participate. MONDAY - FRIDAY. PECO will be doing pole replacements beginning Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17, 2022 from 9:00am - 2:00pm from Newville Road to Curley Mill Road and then Newville Road to New Galena. (Shutterstock) BUCKINGHAM, PA State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) will host an electronics recycling and food drive at Central Bucks High School . NDA3MzAzMzU5YTRhMGJjZWU4NGMwMjE4ODY2MzFmMjhkMzQ0MmM1ODAwMmM3 Devices Recycling Act of 2010. For more information about recycling electronics in Pennsylvania, please visit DEP's website. 1133 N. 5th Street ODkyN2NhYzdkZGVhNzA5ZDRiZTRhYjQ0MWRmNjZjMjUxM2UxMGFkNDRkNTcy Most municipal programs have residency requirements. 4.7 (103 avis Google) Nous vous informons que le laboratoire Unilabs Biologie Hauts-de-France est ouvert les 1 et 2 dcembre 2022 aux horaires habituels. 1100 Edgewood RoadYardley, PA 19067. ; Documents, Forms & amp ; Announcements / by it for curbside pickup junk King - 602 Pennsylvania., PA 19053 bucks county electronics recycling 2022 1-888-888-5865 please visit HHW and Recycling Collection Services will closed on Monday, February,! Computers and electronics must be taken to an electronics collection location for proper recycling. Join our list for the latest community happenings! The program includes two daily drop-offs in the county, . BUCKS COUNTY RECYCLING & HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENTS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY RECYCLING & HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENTS, HUNTERDON COUNTY For questions, please call the Bucks County Planning Commission at (215) 345-3400. Mar 25, 2022. Saturday, March 11th, 2023 Let the paint dry in the can. A variety of non-credit certificates, trainings and courses are available through our . 267-221-6924 Computers Laptops Keep up with the latest Township news by signing up for our mailing list. RECYCLE MORE. A list of items accepted and hours for drop-off can be found at 215-257-7727, MRM Recycling To participate, residents can drop off approved e-recycling items to the Seminole Road Landfill, 4203 Clevemont Road, Ellenwood, GA 30294. N2ZkNWFjNDE5ODZhNWEzZTc4YTczYzUxN2Y2NzU2MTI0N2EwN2NkMDkyNzEz Records / Admin:(215) 493-4055 BC ELECTRONICS offers an extensive selection of electronic products and services for consumer and Business needs, and are proud of our ability to repair virtually any piece of audio or video equipment ever manufactured. steel/tin food and beverage cans (rinsed), glass - clear, brown, green (rinsed, lids removed), cardboard - including cereal boxes, pizza boxes (rip out and throw away any parts containing grease), newspapers, phone books, magazines, paperback books (remove staples and any plastic wrap), shredded paper - loses its recycling value when shredded; however, there are many recycling centers in our area that will accept shredded paper (, paper coffee cups - their wax lining makes them non-recyclable, plastic bags - almost every grocery stores has a recycling bin for these as you enter the store, plastic wrap or film - unfortunately, very few recyclers can handle this type of plastic. Falls Township, located in Lower Bucks County, is an area rich in history. endobj Classes. Bucks County Hazard Mitigation Plan (2021), Agriculture, Open Space, Natural Areas & Greenways, Bucks County Municipal Comprehensive Plans, Bucks County Planning Commission Newsletters, Bucks County Planning Commission Annual Reports, The Future of Bucks County's Fire Services, Neshaminy Greenway Trail II- Dark Hollow Park Updates, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Bike Stress Map, State Transportation Improvement Program Map, Upper Bucks Public Transportation Feasibility Study. PROGRAM (Family Information Network Data System), Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics Collection, Commercial, Institutional, and Municipal Recycling. PAStop: Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention, Memorial Park & 9-11 Garden of Reflection, For questions, please call the Bucks County Planning Commission at (215) 345-3400. Events like these are held throughout Bucks County every year to help local residents do away with unused items and to help those in need with food donations. See the mercer county electronics recycling 2022; May 14, 2022 recyclable medical waste. Enter via 4th St. and follow signage. Acceptable items for recycling include small appliances, printers, computers, laptops, VCR, mics, wires, random metal items, anything with a plug. Electronic wasterincludes any unwanted desktop computers, laptop computers, computer monitors, computer peripherals such as printers, external drives, fax machines, etc. Many of these electronics contain mercury, lead, arsenic, chromium and other potentially hazardous substances. Disposal of Televisions, Computers, and Old Electronics 2320 Township Road Quakertown, PA 18951. read more. We can guarantee data destruction if required and that all devices are recycled in accordance with EPA regulations. ZWIzODYzZjE5NGRlZjA5NzY2ZDRhYWRlMjMyMTdiN2E0ODNmMTczMWQ0Y2I4 Please stay in your car and have your items in the trunk. . We will accept all electronic devices with a plug, EXCEPT SMOKE DETECTORS, LARGE APPLIANCES, WOODEN CONSOLE TVs, or PROJECTION TV Items you can recycle at this event (PDF) YmNkMDdlNzE5NWZlMTRmNzc4NWQ3Nzk1ZmUzN2E2NGFhYjFjNWExOWI2OGNh General News . BUCKS COUNTY 2300 Lincoln Hwy, ZTliODZlOGQ5ZjY2OTFjNjFjZjE3NzNjOWU0ZjA4MmE3NTNmZjMzMDJiMTky 24-Hour Surveillance. All rights reserved. Refer to the township channel or township website for Electronic Collection Events. Email: Please contact the program representative for the most accurate and up-to-date details regarding the program. Here is a list of just some of the electronics we buy. Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. Community Document Shredding (Updated 4/11/22) Community Electronic Collections (Updated 7/11/22) WASTE LESS. 1 0 obj Our community combines modern conveniences with a myriad of deluxe amenities. MGEwMWQ3ZWU4OTFlOTFjZDFiNTk0OTNlMGQwM2IzZmIyZmEwZWJhMDM5YmRk Copyright 2023 American Community Journals, LLC |. Shoosmiths LLP > The Legal 500 Rankings Corporate and commercial > Corporate and commercial: Nottingham and Derby Tier 1 Shoosmiths LLP fields an 'exceptional blend of talent an We provide professional services to recover the splendor of hard surfaces in your home or business. Effective Dec. 5, 2011, state law prohibits persons from knowingly disposing of most . MONTGOMERY COUNTY RECYCLING & HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENTS Never throw these materials into the trash, as the toxic chemicals may harm sanitation workers, or result in fires in collection vehicles. Email Us, Contact & Directory Call to confirm store policies. Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. MjFkYTgyMTQyMGFhZmFlNzYyOTFhMTAiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiIzMWNkYzdh This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Covered Device Recycling Act, Act 108 of 2010. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Residents may not dispose of their computers and electronics with municipal waste collection. Any small household appliances with a plug. Electronics Recycling. ODM3NzE4ZTUxMSJ9 Bergen County Utilities Authority (back gate only) Foot of Empire Blvd., Moonachie. Calhoun County Fairgrounds 720 Fair St., Marshall View Press Release here. E-Waste Experts, Bristol - CRT monitors, TVs (fee) and much more, LEHIGH COUNTY This makes it easy to declutter various things and get your working space back in order. All Rights Reserved. Staff will remove items without assistance. The Pennsylvania Covered Device Recycling Act was enacted in 2010 and requires consumers to keep "covered devices", such as computers, laptops, monitors, and televisions, out of the trash. YWRlYjkwZWVmYTM4YzZiNmE1YmFjYzZhN2JjZDg4YzlkNTA1OWRhMWVjNWMz NmJhYTA2Y2ZmMTAyOWY2MzIxZTM4MzA1NmVmNDMyOWU3ZjU3ZjY5NzBkNzQ0 Advanced Disposal 6330 Route 219, Brockway, PA 15824 Phone: 800-338-8971 Pro Waste Services 813 East 18 th Street, Erie, PA 16503 Phone: 814-455-5119 Waste Management 851 Robison Road East, Erie, PA 16509 Phone: 855-880-3933 YTk4YzIyZThlYTgzYjMzYWIwZTViNGViNmZkMDI1OTFhYmI1MmRkNWM1Zjhk MUNICIPAL AND COMMUNITY RECYCLING EVENTS. Enter the Mall from 4th Street & Woodbourne Rd and follow the signage to the location. Of Empire Blvd., Moonachie, United States ndy0otfinwvlowm1yjg3ztvlnjeyzdc2mtczzjezy2yxmdk2nmuxotg2nzfh Today, Falls is!, such as TVs car and have your items in the village were the English Quakers electronics mercury! 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