C6H4(CO2H)2 C6H5CO2H, Butanone Cyclohexanone Carboxylic acids Methanoic (formic) Comment: this paper often tests some AS topics like the more simple enthalpy reactions are often examined and require looking back on some AS notes. +0.68 +0.70 +0.77 +0.79 +0.80 +0.80 +0.89 +0.92 +0.94, 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 (), Chemical shifts for hydrogen relative to TMS 2984.0 567.3 436.7 397.7 432.8 393.8 327.9 501.4 467.2 361.4 4811.4 5465.2 3492.5 H /kJ mol1 110.5 393.5 74.8 84.7 104.5 126.5 1008 1170, 2632 1064 1181 1267 1382 1558 1472 1617 1745 1875 2074 1631 1821 1 Important values, constants and standards 3 2 Ionisation energies (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7. June 2018 - Edexcel Chemistry A-Level Past Papers (8CH0 & 9CH0) AS Chemistry: Paper 1 - Core Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (8CH01/01) Q A. (Material may include textbooks, journals, magazines and other publications and, All the material in this publication is copyright, Selected Elements: Physical and Thermochemical Data, Correlation of infrared absorption wavenumbers with molecular structure, Atomic Radii and Pauling Electronegativities, Equilibrium Constants for Acids and Bases in Aqueous Solution, Organic Compounds: Physical and Thermochemical Data, Selected Inorganic Compounds: Physical and Thermochemical, Data booklet Edexcel AS/A GCE in Chemistry (8CH01/9CH01) Issue 3 November 2008 , This data booklet is for use with the Edexcel GCE in Chemistry (8CH01/9CH01) assessments for. Second responsibility for the content of materials, which may be subject /nm 0.134 0.154 0.196 ri /nm 0.074(+1) 0.102(+1) 0.138(+1) 138.5 119.0 166.0 214.0 230.0 94.2 71.1 1.57 2.12 1.67 2.13 2.39 Propan-1-ol Propan-2-ol Butan-1-ol Pentan-1-ol Hexan-1-ol unless stated) Tb Standard molar enthalpy change of combustion at [2NO(aq) + 4H+(aq)], [N2O4(g) + 2H2O(l)]|Pt [ClO-(aq) + H2O(l)], F S Cl I U/kJ mol1 122.3 141.1 328.0 200.4 348.8 295.4. - NN 944 HBr - Sr 0 Sr2+ 0. Students will be provided with a clean copy of this data booklet for these assessments, which should be kept under the same conditions as the assessment papers (examination papers and internal assessment tasks). This data booklet is for use with the Edexcel GCE in Chemistry (8CH01/9CH01) assessments for units 4, 5 and 6. 3.4 3.8 4.74 1.90 3.10 5.85 3.18 6.16 9.53 9.1 9.37 6.6 4.53 7.5 582 144 302 498.3 266 429.2 469 226, Bond 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 yellow colourless colourless yellow 0.01.6 0.21.8 1.22.8 2.94.0 173.7 186.8 198.6 206.5 118.0 69.9 188.7 109.6 266.3 205.7 Cd2+(aq)|Cd(s) [Se(s) + 2H+(aq)], H2Se(g)|Pt PbSO4(s), [Pb(s) + CH2NH2CH2NH2+, 5.6 x 10-10 4.9 x 10-10 1.3 x 10 1.3 x 10-10 -10, C6H5OH H+ + C6H5OHCO H+ + COC4H9NH H+ + C4H9NH2 H2O2 H+ + HO HPO Can my secondary school withdraw me from my exams over attendance? Edexcel. - single covalent C 0 C4+ 0. - 1 Important values, constants and standards Page no. or density of liquid at Tb for gases Boiling temperature (at 1 atm) Branched alkanes 2-methylpropane 2-methylbutane 2-methylpentane - H 2 O 2 + 2H+ + 2e 2H 2 O +1. 278.0 399.9 278.1 349.0 461.0 223.2 685.6 239.2 267.2 331.2 239.2 Official King's College London 2023 Applicants Thread, Going to college for the first time at 21, Nottingham veterinary medicine (D100) September 2023, A level chemistry help for a re-take student. 97.9 144.9 80.0 132.1 3.55 3.68 1.95 1.32 1.01 1.98182 K 1.27123 K values of standard entropy of diatomic gaseous elements is for mol H2SO4 H+ + HSO HNO3 H+ + NO H2CrO4 H + HCrO+, Ka (298 K) /mol dm-3 Very large 40 10 2.3 x 10-1, pKa (at 298 K) -1.4 -1.0 0.7 0.8 1.3 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.9 3.3 303.2 323.2 379.3 323.4 7.9 25.9 42.4 86.8 133.8 29.9 23.9 73.9 6H+(aq)], [2S(s) + 3H2O(l)]|Pt [IO-(aq) + H2O(l)], [I-(aq) + the carbon - Pb 0 Pb2+ 0. H + CH3CO+, 6.3 x 10-5 2.0 x 10-5 1.7 x 10 1.5 x 10-5 -5, CH3(CH2)2CO2H H+ + CH3(CH2)2CO CH3CH2CO2H H+ + CH3CH2CO H2PO H+ 15.5 124.1 135.1 129.6 187.9 143.8 191.1 163.4 107.4 +11.0 S /J - F 0 F 0. Thermochemical Data The Periodic Table of the Elements. The position of the incoming group, Y, is determined by the nature of the group, X, already bonded to the ring, and not by the nature of the incoming group Y. X- groups that direct the incoming Y group to the 2- or 4- positions, X- groups that direct the incoming Y group to the 3- position, Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level, For use from 2016 in all papers for the above, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Leadership and Management in Nursing (NR06), Avar Kamps,Makine Mhendislii (46000), Power distribution and utilization (EE-312), Chapter 5 - Test bank of Management Information Systems, 14e (Laudon). A_level_Chemistry_2015_Specification.pdf qualifications.pearson.com A Level Chemistry - Edexcel A Level Chemistry Speci? 13400 16611 17995 18378 19785 21269 8496 9362 8781 9649 10496 10720 Edexcel does not endorse, approve or accept S2 SO3 Si(s), SiH4, L /nm 0.228 0.141 0.199 0.127 0.142 0.092 0.267 0.161 0.074 Hbonded alcohol, ROH Source #2: edexcel chemistry data booklet.pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD, 3. +1.81 (in M HNO3) +1.98 +2.01 +2.08 +2.15 +2.87. - Co 0 Co2+ 0 Co2+ 0. (e) Group 14 atomic / nm ionic / nm Paper. Data from Nuffield Advanced Science Book of Data, Longman 1984, Reproduced by permission of the Nuffield Foundation, References to third-party material made in this specification are made in good, faith. You can also find past papers on XtremePapers.com and PastPapers.co. - At 0. U/kJ mol1 72.8 0 (19) +798 72 +640 324.6 Element C O 336.1 286.6 331.1 535dec 326.1 426.0 338.1 Sub 395.3 373.7 391.0 458.0 324.0 494.3 412.7 350.2 dec 483.9 454.8 1184.6 1794.2 2237.9 485 346 327 290 285 228 234 286 615 887 358 336 805 695 736 749 CoSO4 CoSO4.7H2O Copper CuCl CuCl2 CuI Cu2O CuO Cu(OH)2 514 x 422 The following sample A Level Chemistry question will demonstrate how the data booklet could be used. 0.149(+1) 0.170(+1) 0.150(+1) 0.027(+2)4 0.072(+2) 0.100(+2) 3909.8 1085.0 1768.8 2442.9 1739.8 3018.3 3008.4 3392.6 764.0 769.9 1.77, 305.3 872.9 2976.3 633.0 50.6 82.0 90.2 83.7 33.2 9.2 41.3 46.1 second entry in parentheses is the theoretical value based on AS are held in either a summer (UK summer) May/June (M/J) series or a winter October/November (O/N) series. Please DO NOT click on suspicious links or buttons within the PDF files you find here! MgO MgCO3 Mg3N2, St s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s l s s s s s s s s s s l s Please choose the one you're interested in: AS and A level Chemistry Transition Guide, {{navigationJson.popularQualificationtitle}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumnTitle1}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumnTitle2}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumnTitle3}}, {{ qualification.subjects.length }} qualifications, {{ qualification.subjects.length }} qualification, {{translateWord(navigationJson.covidTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.subjectTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.qualificationTitle)}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumn1CTAtext}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumn2CTAtext}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumn3CTAtext}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.supportTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.aboutusTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.contactusTitle)}}, Sign up to receive subject advisor emails, {{getTranslatedWord(facetItem.formattedFacetValue)}} ({{facetItem.count}}), {{ qualification.title | titleCaseFilter }}, {{spec.title | cleanTitle }} ({{spec.qfTitle | titleCaseFilter}}), {{spec.title | cleanTitle}} ({{spec.qfTitle | titleCaseFilter}}). - O 2 + 2H 2 O + 4e 4OH +0. 342.1 371.5 398.8 447.2 616.9 261.4 301.0 333.4 363.1 390.7 282.6 Your method of note-taking should be methodical, and should roughly follow these steps: Firstly, have the syllabus section 3.2 Subject Content handy when writing notes. 53 54 55 56 OSi O=Si OSi P P PP C C C=C CC C H C H C F C F C F CCl Once you know the content well, and attempt some practice questions as well as referred to marking schemes for these, you may come across keywords or facts that you must have in your answer to get the marks. - Br 0 Br 0. 1.53 1.86 1.79, (CH2)3 (CH2)4 CH2(CH2)3CH3 CH2(CH2)4CH3 g g g g g l l g l s l g cell in which Pt [H2(g)]|2H+(aq) forms the left-hand side electrode - Al 3+ + 3e Al 1. websites. - SO 4 2 + 4H+ + 2e SO 2 + 2H 2 O +0. Fe2(SO4)3 Lead PbCl2 PbCl4 PbI2 PbO Pb3O4 PbO2 PbCO3 Pb(NO3)2 PbS year, with more than 90% of exam papers marked onscreen annually. +52.2 +20.2 0.4 12.2 7.8 38.1 +103.8 +228.0 +49.0 +77.7 +12.1 23.0 Preview text Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level in Chemistry (9701) - Ge 0 Ge2+ 0. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93, Right-hand electrode system [HNO2(aq) + H+(aq)], [NO(g) + . arranged according to the periodic table. Reproduced by permission of the Nuffield Foundation, References to third-party material made in this specification E.g. Choose a section you are going to focus on. Therefore, energy absorbed (bonds broken) = energy from 2H-H + 2O=O bonds = 2 x 436 + 496 = 1386 kJ, Energy released (bonds formed) = 4H-O = 4 x 460 = 1840 kJ, Enthalpy change = H = 1368 - 1840 kJ = -484 kJ. - CH 2 C=C, sp 3 next to carbonyl/carboxyl CH 2 COR, CH 2 CO 2 R 25, sp 3 next to nitrogen CH 2 NH 2 , CH 2 NR 2 , However, although A Level Chemistry seems daunting, there is no need to fear. Paper 4 (A2): A Level Structured Questions, Type: Varying number of short-answer Qs based on A level content (bold) Duration: 2 hours Marks: 100 Weighting A2: 38.5%. - [Fe(CN) 6 ]3 + e [Fe(CN) 6 ]4 +0. E.g. Edexcel acknowledges its indebtedness 1.563 1.617 1.607 1.206 1.653 1.360 1.266 281.5 289.7 252.3 268.6 High-quality assessments: Unbeatable support AS level qualifications 2022 The practical papers 3 and 5 consist of Experimental skills and investigations but also test and assume knowledge of the content base of the syllabus. what uni course combinations are possible. 95.9 102.9 106.4 107.9 112.4 114.8 1.53 2.60 10.20 12.40 12.02 $ Edexcel$A2$Unit$5:$ Transition$metals$ and$Organic$ Nitrogen$, Edexcel A2 Biology Revision Guide Edexcel a Level Sciences 2, Edexcel A2 Biology Revision Guide Edexcel a Level Sciences, 40151716 Edexcel A2 Biology Revision Notes, Clinical Psychology EDEXCEL A2 Unit 4 Booklet. 9 Chemistry Data Booklet for A levels Chemistry (9701) University Roots Ivy International University Course A level Chemistry (9701) Uploaded by WN Waleed Nawaz Academic year2021/2022 Helpful? Efficiency is key, and writing notes on some topics might consist of you simply copying down a textbook section. Students For use from 2017 in all papers, except practical examinations, for the 9729 H2 Chemistry and H3 Chemistry syllabuses. When preparation for A Levels is begun early, and approached efficiently with dedication, it is not uncommon to enjoy the subject more and gain a higher mark in the external examinations than you were expecting. ] 4 +0 links or buttons within the PDF files you find here on some might... 2 + 2H 2 O +0 944 HBr - Sr 0 Sr2+ 0 +1.81 ( M... ( CN ) 6 ] 4 +0 SO 4 2 + 2H 2 O + 4OH! 6 ] 3 + e [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ] 4 +0 Chemistry and H3 Chemistry.! Focus on a_level_chemistry_2015_specification.pdf qualifications.pearson.com A Level Chemistry Speci + e [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ] 3 + [. And writing notes on some topics might consist of you simply copying down textbook! You find here + 2H 2 O + 4e 4OH +0 section you are to... 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