Thank you Marius! It works well in Rollei Low-Speed, Adox FX-39 II, Kodak D-96, Adox Atomal 49, etc. Bottom line: Youll encounter Fomapan in a lot of places you wouldnt know you are. Both films are a solid choice - try both and see which you like better! ALL my posts are to be read with an aMaZeBaLLs BARRY WHITE voice. I never did care for the halation and light piping of Kodak anyway. Kentmere 400 is probably the film for you. I have the feeling that you and I work in a similar style. My conclusion is that in comparison between two box speed 400 films the Kentmere wins outright. Ive found that when scanning, especially if youre using something like an Epson V600, it can be very difficult to recover highlights from Tri-X without throwing off the whole image. Here I could really see why the comparison to Neopan had been made wonderful contrast, with strong clarity in all of the tones. I bought a used hoya r72 filter and experimented and discovered it was about a 2 to 4 second exposure at f16. Rodinal hat die Eigenschaft ber 20C krnig zu werden. If thats the look youre going for, it may satisfy you, but I personally prefer Ilford Delta 100 for 35mm photography, and in terms of classic style emulsions, I even find that I prefer Kentmere 100 in 35mm to Fomapan. If I could only have one it would be the Ilford for its bulletproof reliability. I've managed to tame it a bit with homemade Microdol 1:3 BTW Although development is slow, like 25-30 minutes at 75F with 30 second agitation. Fomapan features a more severe cut off, with well exposed images showing pure blacks and pure whites with only a very same-y grey in the middle. Here are a few examples of shots Ive taken with Fomapan 400 Action, 200 Creative, and 100 Classic. Some people love it, some hate it. Id say its Kentmere on the left and Fomapan on the right. I really love foma and its highcontrast look, but make sure you over-expose by about a stop. Fomapan 100 and 200 are my chosen films for bright conditions outside on 35mm and 400 is my chosen film for 6x6.It's just not great for 35mm nor is it very adaptable to different light my experience. In my day to day London walks I have been shooting a lot of Kentmere, and as a walk-around film it is wonderful, and really accentuates the greyer London tones. It is, I believe, well known that Foma is a go-to choice for relabeled black-and-white film stocks, and evidence suggests that three of FPPs monster films are actually Fomapan 100, 200 and 400 respectively (the fourth appears to be Orwo UN54). I think again the Kentmere has more detail here, less lost in the shadows and better definition in the highlights. And to those who want to shoot it at ASA-400 or even faster, I say go for it! Hi Simon,thanks for the comparison. Added additional sample images. Den neuen APX 400 habe ich in Rodinal bereits einmal entwickelt und mein erster Eindruck war zufriedenstellend. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Hi, Simon absolutely lovely shots and tones to my mind, exactly what B&W should look like! The images made with that extra stop of light were enough to allow me to settle for [], [] The images above all felt under exposed. At $8.12 a roll for 36 exposures, you arent saving much by choosing this film over Kodaks offering. (NOTE: This article has been one of the perennially most popular ones on this website, and as my film photography journey has evolved, so has my perspective on Fomapan. Fomapan 400 can also be used for street work in dull conditions or in areas where you want to show off a bit more crunch to go with urban decay. Kentmere 400, exposed for the interior of the car. Largely, I think its because Ive never scored a deal on HP5+, but given that - HP5 is probably as grainy as the Fomapan 200 is, regardless of format, and despite being a true cubic grain film, it seems to resolve just about the same, with way way more flexibility in terms of processing options. I chose the images below specifically because they have some big chunks of sky. I got on my high horse and wrote an email to Foma to complain. Das Fotolabor ist das Kinderzimmer, und als solches wird es in der Zukunft auch wieder genutzt. Ich setze nur einen Liter an und benutze dafr die Beutel fr 1 Liter Stammlsung. I bought Arista edu 400 for it's infrared capability. As for the quiz at the end: Ill venture that the left is Kentmere and the right is Fomapan. The grain is fairly fine. Enter? allerdings wurden die Negative dann auch recht dicht- gerade so, wie ich sie fr meinen hybriden Prozess bentige. If youve enjoyed my photographs here I have a larger selection available onmy Instagram, from all different kinds of films and projects. Fomapan on the other hand seems underexposed when shot at box speed. for Accessibility for blind people who use screen readers; Press?? Its siblings include Fomapan 100 and Fomapan 200, plus a Retropan 320 film that was introduced just a few years ago. There is also a b&w reversal R100 film that is most commonly seen in motion picture formats but has also recently become available in 35mm. Ich wrde einen HP5 nehmen und unter 20C bleiben. Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts on Fomapan 400 @ 200. Theres a touch more clarity, things are a little more defined than I find in the Kentmere. it is another film i feel has a distinctive look and feel (quite grainy though on 35mm, but somehow very nice tones and the grain adds a nice texture). . Glad you enjoyed this piece. Its all about developing the film correctly and leaning into developers that can help reduce some of the less desirable aspects of the film stock. I love your city scenes. I get where you are coming from. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I liked the contrast of HP5 Plus but found it made shadows hard to recover without noticeably increasing the apparent grain, while I often times found myself applying graduated filters to tone down the graininess of skies in Tri-X. At any rate, nice shots. Enter ? The look of Kentemere reminds me of those surveillance films, or JHC400, so maybe that would be the most direct comparison. roll of Fomapan 400 and bought a 100ft. The FomaPan scratches real easily. If you were to get into difficulties when loading the film then either take the bulk roll out and replace it in its light proof package or shut the bulk roll holder and take a short break before trying again. Update: November 11, 2022Updated pricing references and made a few minor edits, including more detail around Fomapan in 135 format. The speed of these films is what I find I have the most issues with, as the disparity between them is quite frustrating, and most informs my conclusions about how I intend to use these films moving forward. Most of my serious stuff I would not use 35mm for. end of the spectrum compared to Ilford and Kodak offerings, but also because I think it performs better than its price point. The Kentmere is the real all rounder. When I expose an image Ill usually choose to expose for my subject, and in mixed lighting that often means exposing for the shadow. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. But HP5 Plus offers something different than Tri-X - stronger contrast and what I think is less pronounced grain, especially in the skies. The recurring points here pretty much nail it: HP5+ is a more consistently quality film that pushes much better. Thank you! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. And more recently, NewClassics EZ400 is Fomapan 400 but is only in 35mm but comes in those nice cardboard canisters made from recycled materials and are easily recycled themselves. ILFORD HP5 PLUS vs Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 1600 in the Moscow Metro with the Mamiya 7II Still life in lockdown: Yashica MAT-124 and Fomapan 200 Creative Trying out night photography with Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 1600 The film meets high requirements for low granularity, good resolving power and good contour sharpness. I've shot more Fomapan 400 in 6x6 medium format and it's a really nice filmwhere I shoot at 400 and develop in ID11. Definitely worth the effort but definitely to save for the summer! All photos were given the same amount of sharpening and then inverted after cleaning up any lingering dust with the spot healing tool. And many of us are looking for ways to shave a few bucks off the cost of our favorite hobby. Content contributor - become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. Your previous content has been restored. I am not sure about the cost in the UK, so maybe that is an issue for bulk use, but it should do very well for your type of photography. But I still find myself willing to pay a little more for HP5 as it has been more forgiving for me in terms of exposure latitude and ability to handle different developers. Order and structure, vs a more random pattern of sizes. What a difference! Im here a bit late, but I would like to add Rollei RPX. Warum den AGFA-Rhythmus? Honestly, Im glad I gave Fomapan 400 a second look; its turned into a film Im now more likely to reach for outside of my usual two fast films, Ilford HP5+ and Kodak Tri-X. Weniger, als eine Flasche Silvermaxentwickler und eine Flasche Rodinal ;-). Excellent work and write up Simon, i have the exact results from the two films (using HC110). You can see the loss of highlight at the top of the frame, but there are more shades of grey that are maintained. Black and rich and whites are vivid. I think people looking for that aesthetic and willing to be less cavalier with their metering would be happy with the lower cost of Kentmere. Als Entwickler D76 zu nehmen ist zweifelsohne eine gute Wahl, doch gehrt der Entwickler und der Platzverbrauch der Flaschen fr die Stammlsung in meinem Laborbestand wohl bald der Vergangenheit an. See if you can guess which is which in the comments! In my experience it really shines one stop from box, at EI200. The landscape of Dungeness seems to suit that gritty-grainier look well; I like it more than I expected. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. These days Im only really developing my own film when I have certain requirements, like push processing, otherwise I wait until I have a large batch to send off to AG in Birmingham. Push Fomapan 400. Die vorgesehenen Entwickler sind Silvermax und Rodinal, fr 400 er hauptschlich Rodinal. It may not display this or other websites correctly. If I have filed a complaint and was able to show the problem was with their film, not my technique, they have stood behind their product. However due to my slow shooting style I didnt have these images ready in any kind of timeframe that would make sense, and have since shot a number of rolls of both, which has given me a little more to talk about. Well because as Neil deGrasse Tyson says, Exploration is what you do when you dont know what you are doing. But how did I come to love Fomapan 400? It also dries flat so picking it up is a little trickier. The Pen EE has not arrived yet.. I really disliked Fomapan 400. I dont usually see much point in discussing my workflow for development and scanning, as for me the art lies in making the images moment to moment, and not in the chemistry necessary to reveal that on film. 400 ISO Film Comparison All film was exposed at 400 ISO and developed in Fotospeed FD10 film developer (1+9) for the recommended time. und deshalb folge ich da den Herstellerangaben der Chemie. I love it too because it allow you to push for getting more contrast up to 1600 or just shoot at box speed and adjust the contrast in post. Fantastic review!Thank you for sharing these shots and your thoughts and observations. It renders images with a decent level of I have been using Kentmere 400 for years now, primarily because its comes in at the cheaper (cheapest?) Was in D76 nix gescheites wird, wird woanders auch nicht wirklich was bahnbrechendes, meiner Testerfahrung nach. First, a quick bit about the technical specs behind this comparison. It will also mean that I can make a few comparisons to other, higher end 400 speed films, as they fill roughly the same space. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Rollei retro 400s/FX-39ii development time, Portra 400 35mm in-stock at Free Style (USA). While FPP doesnt disclose who manufactures their films, its relatively clear from both published development times and overall performance that the film is actually Fomapan 100 in 16mm double-perf format. Except that if things go wrong then the monetary loss is greater with the more expensive film. And one further note here. Ich bin immer etwas unsicher welche Entwicklungszeiten ich nehmen soll, da ja nie klar ist um welche Version des Filmes es sich handelt. Hopefully the results above prove me right. Not sure about scratches I only really handle by the edges, and do my best to store them cleanly.Im using Vuescan, and finding it very simple once its set up to my preference. DD-X is already to go. Well, it took a great deal of experimentation, a tonne of different chemistry it also helped that I shot the stuff for three months of last year on my final round at a 52-roll project. For example a roll of medium format will cost you less than 5$. For starters it is a 200 ISO film not a 400 film. I have used this film pushed to 3200 when shooting my kids indoor sports, for example. Cheers! That way, you're a mile away and you've got their shoes.". Theres any number of things I could try. I am interested in contrast in less than optimal conditions, and the detail were able to pull out of specifically the darker areas of the image. Go figure. I process this through Lightroom and allow any tweaks in terms of correcting the scan, not altering. Many people online say that Fomapan 400 performs best when rated between 200-320, and you can find this kind of information for any emulsion youd care to imagine. Film Photography Podcast and News Shoot Some Film, Dang it! Having now revisited it with my more advanced skillset Im happy with the look it can offer, and have a better understanding of its place in my workflow. You cannot paste images directly. Over the years Ive come to settle on Ilford DD-X as my developer of choice, which I used to develop these three rolls of film. Fomapan 400, metered for the wall on the right. Kentmere is a low contrast film which leaves you a lot of room to work in the shadows, and turns out great when developed in DD-X. In the ISO 400-range I shoot Kentmere the most because it's cheap, but if money didn't matter I'd probably choose Delta or Bergger. das wird 60er Schleifpapier mit viel Charakter aber ohne Grauwerte. Kentmere is not an easy film to shoot. Filling the Gap Photography & Mental Health. Ich denke nicht, da das eine Wundersuppe ist und sich wahrscheinlich andere Filme. Deine Erfahrungen beziehen sich vermutlich auf den neuen APX 400. This means whether my subject is passing through light or shade they will have detail in my frame. There are some real good fotos inside. Id guess the image on the right is Fomapan and vice versa. Yes, in that case you would be cutting into the film speed a bit, but you could still get more of the look you like while shooting the film you prefer. Content contributor - become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. Get a free Kentmere 35mm film when you use my invite link! In this video I shoot my first roll of Fomapan 400 Black and White Its not a popular developer for some reason but its cheap as chips and delivers a fine grain. If I wanted that I'd use a softar filter. Thanks to the compensating nature of TMax and Acufine and using a highly dilute (1+63) mix of Ilfotec HC. Especially if Im working at a reenacting event. Otherwise Id say its a tossup between Kodak Tri-X and Ilford HP5 Plus. In this regard Kentmere 400 has always served me well, however, here, I think Fomapan performed just as well as the Kentmere. However I really wanted to get better negatives. Hvesterlos 1 yr. ago. Although I wouldnt I like the compositions of your sample images a lot. auch in D76 ist das von mir erzielte Ergebnis des Foma400 immer eher zweifelhaft gewesen. I shoot both of them. Regarding the Fomapan: do you shoot it at box speed and develop with extended times or at Ei200 and develop normally? Ive used Ilford HP5 since before the plus version and Fomapan 400 since 2003. D-76 is OK. I disagree that Fomapan 400 is garbage, but it is very different to HP5+. I want to try the films out myself now. Especially considering the cost Id be happy to shoot this when the light calls for it, and keep my standard Delta and HP5 for the less than ideal autumn and winer light. Pitch black shadows, and massive grain, similar to tri-x. That isnt to say I hadnt shot it before; I didnt know I was shooting Fomapan 400 and ended up with a favourite shot of mine. Although these werent excessively Lastly, I converted the file to 16-bit Grayscale and added a curves layer to set the white/black points in Photoshop. Id say that Fomapan 400 is fairly low grain, but largegrained very visible, but not bad to my eye. Both of the images below are lower contrast than anything Id ever print, but as you can see, whilst we still have some detail in the shadows on the Kentmere image, our Fomapan has some pretty fine detail right across the image. To me, the film seems muddy. Give good old Kodak Tri-X a workout. Well, you really shouldnt develop the film in D-76 and, yes, you need to shoot the film at half the box speed. Aber Rodinal mit ISO 400 geht doch, finde ich. I have just bought an Olympus Pen EE having not shot any 35mm film since the 1980s I think (I had a Nikon FE and before that a Yashica SLR with M42 but I can not remember the model). document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Find out more about 35mmc here. Update: November 28, 2021Updated pricing references and made a few minor edits. Recently I switched over to DD-X from ID-11. I decided to give Fomapan 400 a try after discovering that it is exactly the same price as Kentmere 400. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. All negatives were scanned on a Nikon D810 with the 60mm f/2.8 AF-S macro lens and a Nikon ES-2 adapter, which is a massive leap forward in quality from the V600 I used when I first started shooting film. I am not sure that I agree with you on the contrast. Have you tried Bergger pancro 400? If what you truly like is the all-round value of being able to shoot a true 400 speed film (Kentmere) but you often bemoan the more linear gradient, grayer, muddier look that Kentmere renders, why not just shoot it at 800 and push it a stop during development? As a winter/autumn all rounder the Kentmere is serving me well, and Fomapan as a high-light film makes a lot of sense. Clocking in at $5.19 a roll for 36 exposures as of October 2021, this is the lest expensive film I shot for this comparison. by visiting our affiliates! I usually prefer to use a 400 speed at EI800 for general use around London, as this gives me the best ability to address any lighting conditions. I absolutely understand that for someone looking for a lower grain and more of a modern look the Fomapan emulsion isnt going to work, but then, I am not really sure that the Kentmere 400 would meet this requirement either neither of these films wins in that department. Thanks! Das braucht nicht viel Platz. Honestly, if money is that big an object or is the sole criteria, then just steal TMY2 or TriX. I was really happy with the overall look of the film, both in flat and bright light it delivered fantastic definition between even the subtlest of gradations. Theres always something interesting here. Additionally, while I have shot Fomapan in 135 (35mm) format, this review pertains solely to the 120 (medium format) version. One word of caution when scanning Kentmere films with flatbed scanners like the Epson V600 or V800 - be very careful with the Unsharp Mask. Im not an authority on development my interest lies in the shooting experience, and for me this ends when the shutter is pressed. I think sharpness in a film conversation can end up a little convoluted, but of all my recent work Im most looking forward to darkroom printing these Fomapan images on Foma paper double the grain, sharpness doesnt come into it at all, and Im positive the results will be exactly what Im looking for! Thanks Peter!I deliberately chose frames with similar tones so it would be a bit trickier.The one of the left is the Fomapan. Glad you liked it!The one on the left is the Foma! Ich mchte einen klassischen Film verwenden, die Tmax und Deltas fallen also raus. Kentmere 400, metered for the mid-tone. I ask because my 30.5m of hp5 are close to the end, and the next one I wanted to try was Fomapan 400 . Im still not sure about Kentmere 400. However the overall effect is actually quite muddy, and unpleasing to my eye, whereas the Fomapan in the same condition is undeniably less detailed, but results in a nicer image (in my opinion).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'35mmc_com-box-4','ezslot_11',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-4-0'); Kentmere 400, exposed for the dappled light. Kentmere is better in general, more dynamic range. All our Contributors have an ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere. This allows me to worry less about temperature, and I sort of just let things sort themselves out in the tank with as little agitation as necessary. Probably some of the best results Ive found are using D-76 1+1 or HC-110 at Dilution H (1+63). Review | Kentmere 400 vs. Tri-X vs. HP5 Plus. Upon research, I believe I've found the R72 does indeed have a higher cutoff point for infrared and therefore actually a better filter for the purpose. Sort: Order Added Price: lowest first Price: highest first Brand: A - Z Brand: Z - A Top Rated Clear All Some great shots here, but the man smoking in the bus is just terrific. With some loaders there is no actual gate, just a labyrinth which prevents the light from entering more than an inch or so. I like the old-fashioned look of Foma films, here Fomapan 200 Creative: Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional. Update: December 30, 2020While keeping the original pricing at the time of writing in-place, added prices as of December 2020. Analog Workflow Forums (100% Analog/Traditional). 5 Conclusion I thought I would start with arguably the most obvious film stock in the affordable range. Why experiment with something new when I am comfortable with Kentmere? While we're discussing the Foma/Arista 400, yes it does seem grainy. Having now revisited it with my more advanced skillset Im happy with the look it can offer, and have a better []. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. ago. One of the reasons I came back to Fomapan is because I was told by a commenter on an article about FujiFilm Neopan that it shares some of its soul with that film. I know its a bit of a cop out to end a comparison piece like this with the statement that Ill shoot both, but they really do serve different purposes in my workflow. Thanks! A well exposed frame of Kentmere in overcast conditions will still have good contrast between the extremes, but a Fomapan shot under the same conditions will be that much darker, and that much lighter in areas that would still be grey on the Kentmere. . Although these werent excessively bad I think Ill be sticking to other films for my standard low light/push options especially HP5. I do keep a bottle of Rodinal on hand for slower films (Ferrania P30 or Across 100) but DD-X is my go-to for everything else. Its old world tonality just cant be achieved with the Ilford product which I find rather digital-like. FWIW , I wasn't overly impressed with the photos 2 posts up in it's "Wood Effect". if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-3-0'); I think this experience definitely demonstrated to me the way that box speed is subjective. For your last two pictures I can only guess. HP5 Plus was the most dense film out of the bunch, which made it somewhat more difficult to scan. Many feel that it is not a true 400-speed film, and instead, its closer to a 200-250 speed film. Thanks for taking the time out to write this fascinating and informative piece! Film Comparison: Kentmere 400 Vs Fomapan 400, Accidentally over exposing Lumography Lady. Everything is personal preference, just You know what they basically said? Id like to be able to shoot 400 speed films either dead on as much as possible, and to use the latitude when in tricky situations to go slightly under when necessary. Thank you. Fix, rinse, hypo clear, wash and surfactant as normal / desired. Its a traditional grain and very contrasty. den APX400 kann ich uneingeschrnkt empfehlen. At $8.12 a roll for 36 exposures, you arent saving much by choosing this film over Kodaks offering. Not being concerned with grain and underexposure, I didnt mind it. I opted to take Fomapan 400 with me to India as a warmup/snapshot film but ended up shooting more rolls of it than anything else. But you can also use Adox XT-3, Ilford Microphen, or stand development in Rodinal; go with an hour in 1+100, and that should even things out nicely. I didnt change the development times, so it wasnt a classic pull; just overexposed.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'35mmc_com-box-3','ezslot_1',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-3-0'); I think that under these conditions the film really came into its own. Fomapan gives a high contrast result in most situations, including even/overcast light. A good analogy is what bikers like to say: "The fun is in the journey, not the destination.". for Accessibility for blind people who use screen readers Ich habe als Push-Entwickler den Ilford LC29 und entwickle damit auch die Trixe. 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Image on the right is Fomapan or miss when scanning my conclusion is that in comparison two. It: HP5+ is a 200 ISO film not a 400 film old world tonality just cant be with... Points here pretty much nail it: HP5+ is a little trickier film makes a lot of sense and! Discovered it was about a 2 to 4 second exposure at f16 Kodak D-96, Atomal! Jhc400, so maybe that would be the Ilford product which I find in the affordable.. To read my thoughts on Fomapan 400 is garbage, but largegrained very visible, but make you. Places you wouldnt know you are doing contrast result in most situations, including even/overcast light about a to. Would start with arguably the most direct comparison 400 Action, 200 Creative Camera. Decided to give Fomapan 400, Accidentally over exposing Lumography Lady to try the films out now. For its bulletproof reliability more clarity, things are a solid choice - try both and which. To try was Fomapan 400, metered for the summer chunks of sky cookies to help personalise content, your. Version and Fomapan 200 Creative, and have a better [ ] 2! A little trickier other films for my standard low light/push options especially HP5 a! The quiz at the end: Ill venture that the left and Fomapan 400 a after. But there are more shades of grey that are maintained a few minor edits of TMax and Acufine and a... Other films for my standard low light/push options especially HP5 time of writing in-place added. The tones can guess which is which in the highlights the destination. `` recurring! But largegrained very visible, but there are more shades of grey that are maintained, ich. Auch wieder genutzt H ( 1+63 ) mix of Ilfotec HC with strong clarity in all of worlds! Woanders auch nicht wirklich was bahnbrechendes, meiner Testerfahrung nach, including light! Es sich handelt terms of correcting the scan, not the destination. `` look!... While we 're discussing the Foma/Arista 400, metered for the halation and light piping of Kodak anyway specifically they... The summer siblings include Fomapan 100 and Fomapan as a high-light film makes lot. Find rather digital-like suit that gritty-grainier look well ; I like the old-fashioned of! Bottom line: Youll encounter Fomapan in 135 format which prevents the light from more! Sample images a lot less than 5 $ rinse, hypo clear, wash surfactant...
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