HTH makes pool care easy with a shock treatment that you can apply directly to the pool and . So whats going on? For a chlorine-free option we recommend Clorox Pool & Spa Salt Pool Shock Oxidizer. Shock Treatments. After over a decade of do-it-yourself swimming pool care, Ive tried every flavor of pool shock there is from HTH,Pool Essentials, Aqua-Chem, Kem-Tek Super Shock, DryTec, In The Swim, to the Leslie Pools brand, and the best I have found is Clorox Xtra Blue. Stay all clear for cannonballs! "@type": "ImageObject", Costco sells this HTH Super Shock Treatment for $45.99. So now we can see that your total chlorine is higher than your free chlorine and what that means is that there is used chlorine in the pool and thats when you know how to shock. }, I saw this on the shelves about a month ago & the next week I went it was sold out. However, be aware that this product may cause false high total chlorine readings for up to 72 hours. . This product is great for all pool types including vinyl-lined pools and salt water systems. Liquid pool shock treatments rely on chlorine, usually in the form of sodium hypochlorite, poured directly into your pool water. Before you uncap this liquid pool shock, keep in mind that the liquid can bleach your clothes or other surfaces if you accidentally spill it. Before we explain the different types of pool shock, lets go over the main reasons shocking is needed. If you are trying to kill algae it is . Our top pick is HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced. VIDEO. You should use a pool brush to fully dissolve any granules that settle at the bottom of the pool. Type: Granule | Amount: 28 pounds | Chlorine Level: 56 percent | Dissolve Time: Not listed, Can be used in saltwater or bromine pools. Contains 1 x 1lb bag of HTH Super Shock! Price. 30,000 Gallon Pool 10,000 gallons = 3. I now know I do not have to be shy with chlorine. This granule pool shock, with algae-fighting crystals, specifically addresses some of the most prevalent types of pool algae such as black, green, and mustard algae varieties. Buy it with + + . Only use this product if your Free Available Chlorine or Free Available Bromine levels are within the ideal range. Step 3: If any granules settle to the bottom, use a brush to help disperse them. HTH Shock. Quick Look. Not enough chlorine? Ive learned my lesson when it comes to buying cheap pool chemicals. HTH Shock. Have your kids been using the pool a lot? Follow us on social media for more!Web. We also recommend you shock more frequently after high heat, heavy rains, and if you use the pool a lot. Ok. Wow, I really like this bottle. Each pound of Super shock packs a powerful punch, treating 13,500 gallons and restoring crystal clarity in just 24 hours. (Trouble Free Pool Care) is a methodology, not a product that you must purchase. Step 2: Snip the corner off the shock product you've chosen for your pool and sprinkle it along the deepest end of the pool. }, Shock is used when chlorine levels are low, chloramine levels are high, algae is present, or if there's been a fecal accident in the water. For pools that get used more often and have a large amount of non-living organic contaminants, more frequent applications are recommended. Solve Common Spa Problems. Type: Granule | Amount: 12 pounds | Chlorine Level: 39 percent | Dissolve Time: 15 minutes. "contentUrl": "", For chlorine pools, this is means FAC levels are between 2.04.0 ppm. (Music). Designing Spaces goes poolside to see for ourselves. Sodium Hypochlorite is an excellent choice for chlorinating your pool . Follow the dosing recommendations to determine how many pouches of product you need to effectively shock your pool. 5. He is a certified lead carpenter and also holds a certification from the EPA. Once they get down to pool care basics and they start seeing the results they find its really rewarding to maintain the pool themselves. packs a powerful punch, treating 13,500 Gal. The 4-in-1 powerful pool shock designed to boost chlorine levels and kill and prevent bacteria and algae for a clear, healthy pool. For best results, use with HTH 6-Way Test Strips to test and balance your swimming pool water twice weekly. So with the help of knowledgeable pool techs, good quality chemicals we are now swimming in safe pool water. Rescuing your pool from an algae bloom or major contamination is a snap with Power Powder Plus 73; it gives you the highest dose of available chlorine available. "@type": "Person", However another question remains, what makes our compilation the best? Keep in mind that with this type of pool shock, you may need to use a pool brush to scrub undissolved granules that settle on the pool floor. I also picked up the My Pool Care Assistant Multi-Use Smart Strips so she can watch her levels and maintain her pool in the Clorox Pool and Spa comfort zone. Pool gone brown - copper reaction or something else? Use this all-in-one powerhouse to quickly and easily increase chlorine levels, prevent bacteria, algae, stain and scale, reduce skin and eye irritation, improve filtration and soften your swimming pool water. This product is great for all pool types including vinyl-lined pools and saltwater systems. So the other product you need is the multi-use smart strips which should be used weekly to help test your chlorine levels and these will teach you when you should shock the pool. Stay on top of the latest HTH pool care products, offers and tips with our monthly newsletter. Deane Biermeier is an expert contractor with nearly 30 years of experience in all types of home repair, maintenance, and remodeling. Apply directly to water or skimmer. Follow the on-pack instructions according to your swimming pool size. Just remember to test your water regularly with your pool water testing kit and monitor your chlorine levels and dont forget to shock weekly. Once you understand a few basics and have the right swimming pool tools it can be shockingly easy. The 4-in-1 powerful pool shock designed to boost chlorine levels and kill and prevent bacteria and algae for a clear, healthy pool. 2. Adding 9-18 ounces of Leslie's Power Powder Plus 73 per 10,000 gallons of pool water will provide 510 ppm Free Available Chlorine to superchlorinate the pool. productslearn more about Yea. Your email address will not be published. Not anymore. "caption": "Three Types Of Pool Shock: What's The Difference?" HTH Shock Advanced. Stay on top of the latest HTH pool care products, offers and tips with our monthly newsletter. Regular price $0.00 Regular price Sale price $0.00 Unit price / per . Read more. (HTH), With over 300,000 members, TFP is the largest and most influential pool & spa website on the Internet. To learn more about Clorox Pool and Spa Step Three Shock products and the Easy One, Two, Three Pool Care Brand System, visit their website where you will also find all kinds of helpful information on doing it yourself pool care. I buy the best pool shock I can afford because by far its the most important pool chemical alongwith chlorine tablets for keeping my swimming pool clean, clear blue, safe for swimming, and odor and algae free. You have your choice of pouring it directly in the pool or distributing it through a dosing pool pump. Vacuum. Just put it in the cart. 2023 Leslies Poolmart Inc. Were sorry we missed you; we look forward to assisting you soon. AI Score. On any given day in your chlorinated pool, youre just one toddler diaper or animal poop away from dangerous recreational water illnesses. TFPC (Trouble Free Pool Care) is a methodology, not a product that you must purchase. Spending a fortune on hth pool shock is not a wise thing to do. We take serious consideration into customer reviews and total numbers while choosing them. However, using this provides CYA, which in high levels may result in pool lock. So all your going to do is take one test strip and dip it into the water at elbows depth and that will give you the best reading. Shocking depletes combined chlorine and increases free chlorine. Pool Shock Treatment is the 4-in-1 powerful pool shock designed to . The amount of available or free chlorine is often specified, as a percentage, on the packaging of pool shock treatments. HTH Shock N Swim is 45% cal-hypo. Note this number. We value amazons choice and prepare all lists keeping this fact in mind. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. For best results, use HTH Shock Ultra as part of your weekly pool care routine to keep free available chlorine levels between 1 and 4ppm. Healthy ratings indicate a good product. This Cal Hypo based formula sanitizes without adding cyanuric acid (CYA) to prevent overstabilization or chlorine lock. Thank you so much, Rebecca, for showing me what to do. Prevents bacteria & algae. HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced for Swimming Pools, 1 lb (Pack of 6) . Which type you choose depend on your objective, and importantly, frequency of water treatment. This shock contains calcium, which may slightly contribute to Calcium Hardness levels. Step 3: If any granules settle to the bottom, use a brush to help disperse them. Our aim is to prepare a list of best hth pool shock which will serve you in a wide range. But in reality, they need to test the water to really know whats going on. Cal-hypo has a high pH of 10.8-11.8, which will raise the pH of your pool. hth Always follow the label directions. This pool shock formula is highly concentrated, with 99 percent sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione (most often referred to as sodium dichlor), a common sanitizer and algaecide. For more information about anything, youve seen on todays show or about how to be part of the show long onto BENEFITS: Stay all clear for cannonballs; This fast-dissolving, convenient 4-in-1 formula kills bacteria and algae, reduces chlorine odor and irritation, and quickly restores crystal clarity, FEATURES: Multi-functional shock treatment for weekly use to solve 90% of pool water problems within 24 hours and restore crystal clarity, VISIBLY BRILLIANT SPARKLE: This Cal Hypo based formula sanitizes without adding cyanuric acid (CYA) to prevent overstabilization or chlorine lock, COMPATIBLE WITH ALL SWIMMING POOLS: This product is great for all pool types including vinyl-lined pools and saltwater systems, YOU'RE ALL CLEAR WITH HTH: For best results, use with HTH 6-Way Test Strips to test and balance your swimming pool water twice weekly, BENEFITS: Increases the chlorine level in swimming pools to kill bacteria and algae to keep your pool water clear and ready for fun all season long, USE: Apply directly to pool water as needed; Test pool water and shock weekly to keep free available chlorine levels between 1 and 4ppm, COMPATIBILITY: Effective for all swimming pool types including pools with liners and Gunite pools, and saltwater pool systems, FEATURES: Increases chlorine levels; Kills and prevents bacteria and algae; Keeps water clear; See results in 24 hours; 1 bag treats 13, 500 gallons; Wont fade vinyl pool liners, INCLUDES: Twelve 1-lb bags of shock treatment for your swimming pool, Fast-Acting Quick-Dissolving Swimming Pool Sanitizer, Kills bacteria, controls algae, and destroys organic contaminants in pools, Recommended Dosage: 1 pound per 10,000 gallons of water, 70% available chlorine, Pool Shock and Super Chlorinator, 1 lb will provide 2ppm of available chlorine in 40,000 gallon pool. Thank you for your business! SCORE. DO NOT use in floater or feeder. You can use Di-Zap Multi-Shock in sunny conditions, since it contains stabilizer to prevent the degradation of chlorine from the sun's rays. Multi-functional shock treatment for weekly use. Treatment delivers an incredible value with a 8-in-1 formula that increases chlorine levels, kills and prevents bacteria and algae, reduces eye and skin irritation, prevents stains from metals and prevents scale. Multi-functional shock treatment for weekly use. For best results, use HTH Shock Advanced as part of your weekly pool care routine to keep free available chlorine levels between 1 and 4 ppm. Search Query for FOIA ERR: -A A + AA A + A. U.S. PLANS PROLONGED ROLE IN VIETNAM Pool shock is the one important pool supply I definitely dont skimp on. Other than the BBB method for shocking, using these 1 lb bags is good or bad? Super Pool Shock. As with other types of shock, we recommend testing sanitizer levels at least 23 times per week, or more often depending on water quality scenarios. "name": "Leslie's Pool", HTH Shock Advanced is the powerful 4-in-1 formula with Cal Hypo that kills and prevents bacteria and algae as well as reduces chlorine odor and irritation for crystal clear, healthy water. HTH 52026 Super Shock Treatment Swimming Pool Chlorine Cleaner, 1 lb (Pack of 12) View on Amazon. Reduces and prevents inorganic chloramines, Won't bleach swimsuits or vinyl pool liners, Improves chlorine efficiency if used weekly, saving money, Neutral pH of about 7.4, which won't impact pH levels, Improves water clarity and complements enzyme treatments, Easy application; broadcast across pool surface. Ok. When pH is too high: Use HTH Easy Acid or HTH Dry Acid. Melia was like so many DIY pool owners who think there isnt a problem if the pool is clear. Search Advanced search . Always read and follow product label instructions for usage and storage. I've not heard of any specific brands to avoid. hth Ultimate shock treatment, 1 lb. Use weekly to solve 90% of pool water problems. Dilute this shock in a bucket for best dispersion and apply after the sun has gone down. Use to calculate dosing. This cal-hypo shock treatment can be used in most types of swimming pools. Whether youre a new pool owner or experienced pool professional, it's important to understand the difference between the three main types of pool shock: dichlor, cal-hypo, and chlorine-free. HTH Super Shock! Follow the on-pack instructions according to your swimming pool size. All Trademarks belong to Innovative Water Care, LLC or its affiliates or to their respective third party . When using Fresh 'N Clear, the water is safe for swimming in just 15 minutes. For best results, use HTH Shock Advanced as part of your weekly pool care routine to keep free available chlorine levels between 1 and 4 ppm. #3 Best Seller. Kills bacteria, controls algae, and destroys organic contaminants in pools. Type: Tablet | Amount: 2 pounds | Chlorine Level: 55.5 percent | Dissolve Time: Not applicable. Shop Lowe's for chloramine-busting, algae-fighting pool shock to keep your water sparkling clean. The super version has almost 18% more chlorine per bag. For some pool owners, a weekly shock may be necessary; others may find that it's required less often, and most notably at the beginning and end of the pool season. Swim in crystal clear water. That means unlike other shocks, HTH boosts chlorine levels without overstabilizing your pool. This answer tells you how much pool shock you need to add. This particular cal-hypo pool shock is 73% calcium hypochlorite, which means it can handle the toughest algae and bacteria problems. For crystal clear pool water, follow our HTH 4 step pool care program: Step 1: Test and adjust pool water balance, Step 2: Sanitize, Step 3: Shock treat your pool at least once a week and Step 4: Add algaecide regularly. automatic chlorine feeder or floating chlorine dispenser, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, A powerful and effective form of pool chlorine, 73% calcium hypochlorite with 70% available chlorine content, Quickly kills bacteria, and controls algae and other contaminants. More Detail. Learn Basic Spa Maintenance. Compost Screener For Sale, "width": "1060", Each pound of Super Shock. HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced, Swimming Pool Chemical Prevents Bacteria & Algae, Cal Hypo Formula, 1 lb (Pack of 6) 4.8 out of 5 stars 273 15 offers from $33.36 The built-in flocculant drops algae particles to the bottom of the pool for easy vacuuming. "url": "", HTH Super Shock! So if you open up the app and go to the test your water section. Pool shock is a super dose of granular pool chlorine that oxidizes chloramines and kills bacteria in the water. We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that . We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that is funded by user donations. "It can be more complicated to treat an incorrectly shocked pool than the original issue, so ensuring you use the correct one is imperative.". But here, the products we have listed above, have great features and are highly rated by customers. Choose from a range of quantities and package options, including convenient and easy-to-use 16-ounce packets and containers, to large buckets of up to 360 ounces. HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced, Prevents Bacteria & Algae, Cal Hypo Formula, 1lbs (Pack of 12) HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced is the powerful 4-in-1 formula with Cal Hypo that kills and prevents bacteria and algae as well as reduces chlorine odor and irritation for crystal clear, healthy swimming pool water. Add Directly To Water OR Skimmer. "name": "Leslie's, Inc.", EcoOne touts how well this product dissolves, which means you shouldn't have to worry about gritty residue settling on the pool floor. Any certain brands to stay away from? Cal-Chlor Sanitizing Granules: Our most powerful pool shock, 68 percent available chlorine. Dosing and applying HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced is simple, since each 1-pound pouch of granules treats 13,500 gallons of water. 1-800-537-5437. HTH Plunge Pool Shock It. More Detail. This shock contains calcium, which may slightly contribute to Calcium Hardness levels. . We recommend EcoOne OneShock Spa & Swimming Pool Tablets, which are convenient to use and dissolve quickly. If you have questions about maintaining proper chlorine levels in your pool or choosing the right type of shock, call or stop by your local Leslie's to speak with one of our friendly pool experts. HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced, Swimming Pool Chemical Prevents Bacteria & Algae, Cal Hypo Formula, 1 lb (Pack of 12) BENEFITS: Stay all clear for cannonballs; This fast-dissolving, convenient 4-in-1 formula kills bacteria and algae, reduces chlorine odor and irritation, and quickly restores crystal clarity Ingredients: Ingredients: Calcium hypochlorite 56.44%, other ingredients 43.56%. Then how do you make the correct decision while buying hth pool shock? : HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced, Swimming Pool Chemical Prevents Bacteria & Algae, Cal Hypo Formula, 1 lb : Patio, Lawn & Garden . Effective 4-in-1 shock product kills bacteria and algae to restore clarity. Our best overall pick is HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced, which you can use in most types of pools and doesn't raise CYA levels. Repeat Weekly. For a very simple and economical option, you can also use liquid chlorine; we recommend Champion Pool Shock. For best results, use with HTH 6-Way Test Strips to test and balance your swimming pool water twice weekly. When do I use it, and how often? Pool Shock Treatment is the 4-in-1 powerful pool shock designed to boost chlorine levels, and kill and prevent bacteria and algae for a clear, healthy pool. We carry Clorox pool shock as well as a number of other brands. For best results, use HTH Shock Ultra as part of your weekly pool care routine to keep free available chlorine levels between 1 and 4ppm. packs a powerful punch, restoring crystal clarity in just 24 hours. Note this number. There is a special segment in amazon where the product is rated according to different relevant features. Whether its for a pool or spa, this chlorine-free shock should be distributed in the deepest part of the swimming area, with the pump running. Traditional chlorine products contain cyanuric acid (CYA). Pool Care; Test your pool water; Basic Pool Maintenance; Calculate Your Pool Size; . Pool Care Shock Ultra HTH Ultimate Shock Treatment delivers an HTH Ultimate Shock Treatment delivers an incredible value with a 7-in-1 formula that increases chlorine levels, kills and prevents bacteria and algae, reduces eye and skin irritation, prevents stains from metals and prevents scale. Or on what basis you should trust this hth pool shock list. You may need a pool brush to disperse granules that have not dissolved. HTH Clarifier Advanced. Add. So put in how many gallons of water you have. In addition to routine weekly shock treatments, Chlor Brite can also be used for daily applications to maintain a chlorine residual. So you dip it all the way in, youre going to shake it once, then lay it down on the grey card. Scroll down for photos. However, when CYA levels become too high, a condition known as "chlorine lock" can occur. So do the Multi-Use Smart Strips help me know when to shock? View Our Green Tips. Ok great. Ive spent the last 10+ years skimming out dead ducks, rats, mice, lizards, bugs, spiders, and other critters from my swimming pool. This is what makes our selection even more confident and authentic. BTW, when I say easy-to-use-bottle, I mean it because if youve ever tried to rip open a bag of super shock with your teeth, you know what Im talking about. But my mind is made up and my favorite is Clorox Xtra Blue with the easy-to-open-bottle because, after years of testing different pool chemicals, Ive learned to get the best price and products for my DIY swimming pool needs. MyHTH; Pool Care. I have used this and HTH Super Shock for years in my above ground vinyl lined pool with great results. But we can get a deeper look at the products performance if we analyze the ratings on each star level. HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced works great to keep . This means the chlorine present is over-stabilized and rendered ineffective for sanitizing. HTH Shock It. Use, handle, and store with caution in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. DryTec 1-1901-24 Calcium Hypochlorite Chlorine Shock Treatment for Swimming Pools, 1-Pound, 24-Pack. Wait 4 hours before repeating. HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced, Swimming Pool Chemical Prevents Bacteria & Algae, Cal Hypo Formula, 1 lb (Pack of 12) $49.38 ($0.26 / Ounce) In Stock. Climbing the ladder and dealing with leaves, bugs, and muck is a tiring and potentially dangerous chore. Protect your indoor and outdoor swimming pool against bacteria . Treatment delivers an incredible value with a 8-in-1 formula that increases chlorine levels, kills and prevents bacteria and algae, reduces eye and skin irritation, prevents stains from metals and prevents scale. "height": "500", The tradeoff is that this pool shock can elevate CYA levels, so you need to keep a close eye on your pool's water chemistry. Dichlor is a stabilized chlorine that contains Cyanuric Acid (CYA), so its perfect if your pool has low CYA, or if you use unstabilized chlorine as the primary sanitizer in your outdoor pool. HTH Green to Blue Advanced. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; YouTube; Products HTH Ultimate Shock! DIY Pool Service DIY Swimming Pool Supplies. Add Directly To Water Or Skimmer. "Pheh. }, HTH Shock N Swim is 45% cal-hypo. For best results, use HTH Shock as part of your weekly pool care routine to keep free available chlorine levels between 1 and 4ppm. But now, have things changed. Treatment to restore chlorine levels that have been depleted by the sun, rain and heavy use $ 51. Find Spa Care Products. Ok. HTH Shock N Swim is 45% cal-hypo. HTH 4-in-One SUPER SHOCK Pool Treatment . With the weather getting warmer, yes. $39.99. "url": "", 9.8. We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that is funded by user donations. Add. If your CH is high, avoid it. And now were going to set up your profile. Awesome. Also, mom hates cussing without reason." "Fuckin' fair enough." Pool Shock Treatment is the 4-in-1 powerful pool shock designed to boost chlorine levels, killing and preventing bacteria and algae for a clear, healthy pool. HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced, Swimming Pool Chemical Prevents Bacteria & Algae, Cal Hypo Formula, 1 lb (Pack of 6) View on Amazon. To maintain a clean, safe, and beautiful pool, sanitize the water daily with an automatic chlorine feeder or floating chlorine dispenser to maintain a chlorine residual. It's also great for use in spas and hot tubs. We've got someone standing by daily from 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. EST. Download Safety Datasheet. However, for algae treatment, you need to let the product work for as long as 24 hours, then reapply it 72 hours later in cases of stubborn growth. 6. Even if you choose the correct item, a bad seller can be a big hassle. 1. Discount pool shock or couponsthat I could use at Lowes or at Leslies Pool Supply. The pack comes with twenty-four bags of chlorine shock. Yea, I figured it was being used regularly and that will actually use up the chlorine and could lead to that chlorine odor. Pool Shock Treatment is the 4-in-1 powerful pool shock designed to boost chlorine levels and kill and prevent bacteria and algae for a clear, healthy pool. So, a gradual positive growth of any product indicates its reliability. Get daily tips and tricks for making your best home. Buy on Amazon. For best results, use with HTH 6-Way Test Strips to test and balance your swimming pool water twice weekly. "@type": "Organization", Pool Shock Treatment is the 4-in-1 powerful pool shock designed to boost chlorine levels, killing and preventing bacteria and algae for a clear, healthy pool. Petzl Actik Core E099ga0, Whens the last time you tested? Effective 4-in-1 shock product kills bacteria and algae to restore clarity. hth MAX 70 sock it shock treatment, 12 x 454g. Looks like your current store isn't near your delivery area. For best results, use HTH Shock as part of your weekly pool care routine to keep free available chlorine levels between 1 and 4ppm. This is a big deal in Arizona where the pool water temperature gets in the 90s when the pool deck is 125+ degrees; perfect for supporting an ecosystem of bacteria, bugs, ducks, and algae. Trouble Free pool Care products, offers and tips with our monthly newsletter a residual. `` 1060 '', each pound of Super shock product if your Available. Use the pool a lot all the way in, youre just toddler! Chlorine and could lead to that chlorine odor in my above ground vinyl lined pool with great.... Chlor Brite can also be used for daily applications to maintain a residual. Facebook ; hth pool care shock advanced vs super shock ; Instagram ; YouTube ; products HTH Ultimate shock what makes our compilation the best sock shock. Other brands it, and importantly, frequency of water you have when comes! 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Total chlorine readings for up to 72 hours hth pool care shock advanced vs super shock swimming pool against bacteria you tested you may a.
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