I guarantee that the energy output that industrial plant is emitting into the atmosphere would rival the output of any heavy category aircraft. "B.S. Given the wing spans of aircraft, the rising steam, and a gusty day, 100ft is much too little. that happens in many non precision approaches, very common.Someone commented:At reaching the edge of the building, 80 + 8 = 88 knots:Wed 10:32:25 AM 42.5520 -113.7592 217 80 92 4,150 -857Airspeed of 88 is ok, yes it fell off but stalling speed is in the low 60's.2nd the descent rate is -857. . The stack would not have been hit had the pilot not busted minimums and gone below the MDA. There are less than 4,000 feet available for landing. The survey segment of the flight commenced about 14 km to the northwest of the airport and was conducted at a height of about 200 ft above . More Info. It is a much cruder method of societal control than winning over people by debating and logical analysis. 2 Vista residents killed in small plane crash in Arizona. "The obstacle she hit was less than half a mile from the runway and at or below 100 AGL"Correct. "It seems very likely that the Caravan was out of the clouds well before reaching the MDH. I'm an engineer and have a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in aerospace engineering, with 15 years experience.Using satellite data from Google Earth, I drew up the geometry of this airport and the surrounding area in CAD, to prevent math errors. You hit MDA, see the runway, and continue descent to land, but maybe don't see the smokestack due to snow flurries and steam from it blowing toward you. https://registry.faa.gov/N7181AA small plane crashed at the Watsonville Municipal Airport on Sunday afternoon. Discussion has returned to "the pilot was willfully continuing far below MDA of 4560 and couldn't see". Would have blended right in with the white sky. The only question is why. You can use the controls at the top to stop at 14:31:00 and have a look:http://weather.rap.ucar.edu/radar/displayRad.php?icao=KSFX&prod=CREF&bkgr=color&endDate=20220413&endTime=15&duration=1(Link will show that look-back until seven days from 4/13, so copy images before they are no longer accessible if of interest.). The stack is depicted on the approach plate as being 4304' MSL. Also, if were going to go there, Id go as far as to say most all were incorrect as to the cause of the incident of N56KJ. This can occur on take-off and landing and with sufficient rapidity to obscure the runway and other landmarks during a critical time in flight. Runway 20 has one. She not only saw the best in people, she brought out the best in people. There is a platform after the first section of ladder where you have to walk over to get to the second section, so that is not a broken ladder, it is the design in the ladder system. Really only SE piston and one helicopter showing on Flightaware. The fully revealed circumstances are a huge cautionary tale. A few days later, add 800 million to hurry it up. This was not the fault of any tower on the processing plant. The pilot and three passengers, including the pilot's wife, were killed when the plane entered an uncontrolled descent, suffered an in-flight breakup and crashed near Hayden, Alabama. Not sure if runway lights would be on, since it was 8:32 AM MDT with sunrise an hour and a half earlier at 6:56 AM. This information is added by users of ASN. Snow was observed falling. From finance to industry? The two pilots in the PA-46, and the flight instructor and student pilot in the Cessna 172, were fatally injured. When you think of Brittney, celebrate the memories you shared with her. Also the color of the building itself? There are no obstruction clearance guarantees below the MDA. So using the very unscientific method of looking at the Foreflight 3D airport view to visualize a KBYI runway 30 approach at a standard 3.0 degree descent angle, it is clear that those stacks are pretty much directly in your path. YOU DO NOT NEED TRIG OR OTHER BULL. Looking at obstacle markings on the BYI RW20 approach plate, it is interesting to compare to ALL of the HEYBURN-associated obstacles that exist in the current 16-ID.dat obstacle database.Notably, the 4179' obstruction shown by the river at 7th avenue in the inset runway detail of the plate is not in the database, appears to be Gossner's Magic Valley Chalet based on low height and location. Interestingly, he showed FAA correspondence admitting that the plant stacks penetrated the approach surface. Juan Brown on the Blancolirio YouTube Channel mentions the icing conditions. "If you are focused on approaching a short runway, there is no VSGI to guide you on the required steep non-standard descent angle, it can be easy to miss the grey colored obstacles that don't stand out. What a dumb place to put the potato factory, lots of open land, but yeahhh lets put factory with stem stacks right on short final. Though it adds six inches of headroom, the feature is virtually invisible from the . AWOS data typically includes ceiling and sky conditions, visibility, temperature, dew point, altimeter setting and wind speed, gusts and direction, ASOS can additionally provide the type and intensity of precipitation (rain, snow, freezing rain), and obstructions to visibility such as fog and haze. The Santa Monica Fire and Police Departments responded to the scene and were assisted by L.A. County Lifeguards. Even a slight gust can carry the rising steam from the potato plants six stacks into the 3.75 approach path. Witnesses on the ground said the plane's wings came off mid-air in high winds before a shower of debris fell from the sky. Sometimes, a thin coating of ice will form on the windshield, preceded in some instances by frosting. I can't admire anyone for being in a GA aircraft at 95 years old. If the snow flurry intensifies or the tater drying plume is solid and significant such that it's going to have to be descended through or the combined conditions will be imposing loss of visual for a period of time after having sighted the runway at MDA, a go around is the correct response.The accident pilot reportedly was not a first timer to BYI and for all of the NAVAID limitations you mentioned, a divert to Twin Falls (as had been done by whichever pilot was aboard on the day before the accident) was the choice to make if the visibility at the plant wasn't as reported by METAR during the two approach attempts. Runway 20 has one. Precision matters to actual pilots. Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 2:57:00AM EDT, Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 5:27:00AM EDT, Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 2:23:00PM EDT, Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 7:40:00PM EDT, Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 10:58:00PM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 3:06:00PM EDT, Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 7:09:00AM EDT, Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 9:51:00AM EDT, Friday, April 15, 2022 at 11:13:00AM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 10:34:00AM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 7:11:00AM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 8:55:00AM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 8:46:00PM EDT, Friday, April 15, 2022 at 10:54:00AM EDT, Sunday, April 17, 2022 at 11:13:00PM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 6:22:00PM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 9:01:00PM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 12:24:00AM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 9:23:00PM EDT, Sunday, April 17, 2022 at 12:28:00PM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 12:27:00AM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 6:05:00AM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 2:38:00PM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 9:32:00PM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 2:48:00PM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 7:20:00PM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 7:40:00PM EDT, Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 6:52:00PM EDT, Sunday, April 17, 2022 at 12:19:00PM EDT, Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 4:22:00AM EDT, Sunday, April 17, 2022 at 11:33:00AM EDT, Monday, April 18, 2022 at 11:49:00AM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 7:05:00PM EDT, Monday, April 18, 2022 at 11:36:00AM EDT, Monday, April 18, 2022 at 12:21:00PM EDT, Monday, April 18, 2022 at 12:19:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 4:33:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 5:09:00PM EDT, Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 2:09:00PM EDT, Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 7:38:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 2:55:00AM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 7:17:00AM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 12:15:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 1:08:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 4:28:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 4:47:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 5:21:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 6:10:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 5:51:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 7:56:00PM EDT, Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 6:22:00AM EDT, Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 12:22:00AM EDT, Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 2:37:00PM EDT, Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 5:14:00PM EDT, Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 5:29:00PM EDT, Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 6:25:00PM EDT, Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 6:37:00PM EDT, Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 7:50:00PM EDT, Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 12:38:00PM EDT, Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 11:00:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 1:23:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 3:54:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 3:58:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 4:53:00PM EDT, Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 8:13:00PM EDT, Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 11:46:00AM EDT, Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 11:12:00PM EDT, Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 7:20:00AM EDT, Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 2:54:00PM EDT, Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 4:41:00AM EDT, Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 8:11:00AM EDT, Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 3:40:00PM EDT, Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 10:39:00AM EDT, Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 11:06:00PM EDT, Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 10:37:00PM EDT, Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 8:25:00PM EDT, Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 10:48:00PM EDT, Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 12:34:00PM EDT, Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 6:43:00PM EST, Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 9:54:00AM EDT, Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 4:57:00AM EDT, Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 9:51:00AM EDT, Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 10:31:00AM EDT, Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 11:46:00AM EDT, Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 1:06:00PM EDT, Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 4:14:00PM EDT, Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 4:44:00PM EDT, Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 6:07:00PM EDT, Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 4:06:00PM EDT, Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 11:37:00AM EDT, Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 12:30:00PM EDT, Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 1:16:00PM EDT, Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 2:42:00PM EDT, Saturday, September 3, 2022 at 1:01:00PM EDT, Friday, October 7, 2022 at 7:57:00PM EDT, Friday, October 7, 2022 at 9:12:00PM EDT, Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 7:46:00PM EDT, Friday, October 14, 2022 at 9:55:00PM EDT, Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 2:40:00PM EDT, Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 8:55:00PM EDT, Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 10:36:00AM EDT, Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 1:36:00PM EDT, Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 6:16:00PM EST, Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 6:20:00PM EST. A Cessna 501 Citation I SP took off from Venice, Fla., shortly before noon. Nothing was cut. Plant info says it operates 24 hours, has been in operation since 2011.Presumably the NTSB is evaluating appropriate airspeed for the accident day combination of two approach exposures to potential mist and light snow airframe ice contamination, considering the minus 3 C / 27 F temperature reported at the airfield. The reported ceilings were well above the MDA, so unless you were sitting in the cockpit next to the pilot, you have no idea if they could make out the runway or not when they passed the MDA. But remember runways don't vote "but we can't equip these airports with an ILS"That is a misguided statement, because it is not funding for an ILS but rather the surrounding obstacles at this airport that are preventing it from having better approaches. The pilot reported passing the initial approach fix, and about 4 minutes later reported a missed approach. This means the potato plant created artificial IFR conditions. Yesterday's accident was very unfortunate. Skydive Kauai Cessna 182 crash NTSB final report May 13th, 2018 - The NTSB has released the final report on the . Personal attacks and hate speech directed at the NTSB investigators, FAA investigators, Designated Pilot Examiners, Kathryn, as well as other members of the aviation blog, are unacceptable because they are not constructive. While they are not flight data recorders in the normal sense, in a crash with no fire they can provide more than enough data for the NTSB to reconstruct what the aircraft was doing and was being presented to the pilot. Well-stated, very good bias what-if scenario. One possible cause of a flameout could be the accumulation of ice and snow on the PT-6 turbine compressor section intake screen. If the visibility was .5 SM better than reported, then the pilot would have had approximately 35 seconds from breaking out to see and avoid the tower. In general, FlightAware is not intended to be an accurate indication of aircraft altitudes and positions for forensic purposes, so armchair investigators would do well not to draw detailed conclusions from FA data. For specific information, you may request a copy of . Anonymous Wednesday, December 21, . Others in earlier comments cited an obstruction of 60ft AGL with a lateral offset from the centerline, but that is *not* the stack that was hit.Here are the numbers I used in arriving at the above conclusions:(1) Runway displaced threshold length = 305.7ft (measured from satellite data)(2) Distance from runway threshold to impacted stack = 2633.4 ft (measured from satellite data)(3) Distance from runway threshold to JAMID = 1.6 NM (9721.8 ft) (on published approach plate)(4) Altitude when crossing JAMID = 4800 ft (on published approach plate)I included the 40 ft TCH elevation offset from the approach plate in my conclusions above.Assumptions:(a) Assuming the ground surface elevation at the potato plant is 20ft above the runway TDZE. It increases the weight of the aircraft and changes the weight and balance. The now prevalent hatred behaviors were trained into people by subtle but continuous nudging from news media, social media and marketing. But I noticed something. Controller com CESSNA Aircraft For Sale 1229 Listings. Other company pilots: "BYI steam is routine, I can land there just fine"7. In the video, the pilot clearly was trying to extend the flight path as much as possible to the very last few seconds. *That's very little margin for error, and that's following the published approach on the plate. Here are BYI and TWF METARs from that decision time:KBYI 131355Z AUTO 20005KT 6SM -SN BR FEW019 BKN026 OVC033 M03/M06 A2996KTWF 131353Z 24008KT 10SM BKN060 BKN075 OVC095 M02/M06 A2997(That decision to descend for BYI on the accident day didn't have the gusty wind, 1000' broken and one mile visibility conditions of the divert to TWF decision on the previous day)Visibility degraded during descent for the first BYI approach attempt:KBYI 131401Z AUTO 20008KT 2 1/2SM -SN BR BKN026 OVC033 M03/M05 A2996KBYI 131405Z AUTO 20008KT 1 1/2SM -SN BR BKN026 OVC035 M03/M06 A2996KBYI 131410Z AUTO 19008KT 1SM -SN BR BKN023 OVC028 M03/M05 A2996KBYI 131415Z AUTO 20008KT 1SM -SN BR BKN021 OVC028 M03/M06 A2997Conditions while circling back around for another try:KBYI 131420Z AUTO 20007KT 1SM -SN BR BKN021 OVC026 M03/M06 A2997KBYI 131425Z AUTO 20008KT 1 1/2SM -SN BR BKN021 OVC028 M03/M06 A2997KBYI 131430Z AUTO 20007KT 2SM -SN BR BKN021 OVC028 M03/M06 A2997(Crash was at 14:32 Z)(The above information was offered to show reports from the BYI automatic weather system for the full period covering the initial descent decision through to the crash at 14:32 Z. That's too slow. Mayday, mayday, mayday!Those were the words of an U.S. Air Force F-16 pilot, seconds after the jet collided with a private Cessna over Moncks Corner on July 7, 2015.The National Transportation . VIDEO! Accident Investigation report not yet completed, but information verified through authorities or other sources. It is nonsense to suggest that because the perfect approach was 100ft to the side of the stack and above it, that it was okay! So according to Jepp, the usable runway length is 3,787 feet. During the flip, the right horizontal stabilizer contacted something, most likely the roof, but not with much force. There were five aboard, the Private rated pilot and four passengers. I can see someone trying to land on the roof of that factory, confusing it for the extended threshold of the runway in the bad conditions. Perhaps this was the pilot's first flight to Burley, or an infrequent stop?Other measures for safety and possible fatigue: No snake river or other possible, large visual cue in sight? Following a structural failure, a 1992 Mooney M20M crashed in Victoria, Minnesota, last Saturday (August 7, 2021), while it was approaching to land at Flying Cloud (KFCM) Airport in Minnesota. He wanted to ban jets at SMO and ultimately close it. For a moment let's adjust your pass-over clearance results of 63' and 73' up by that extra 16 feet to get 79' and 89' pass-over clearances while pretending that the FAA database numbers are spot on (read on for the surprise! Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources. Accident pilot: "I have to meet expectations and get this done"Interesting article reflecting on "completing the mission":https://www.aviationsafetymagazine.com/features/decision-making-for-pilots/. With luck there will be a SD card data record to help in understanding. That's magical thinking to support a flawed theory about busted minimums.The earlier comment just said "short runway", no one said anything about not being able to land a Caravan on it. There may also be weather equipment at that plant and it may have logging capability. LOL Whatever the case, it's clear from the NTSB report that the mob that was fixated on "busted minimums" was wrong. He survived but required a series of reconstructive surgeries.He had flown in shoulder harness equipped aircraft but the Cherokee he was using for his own startup flight school was just lap belts:https://www.chieftain.com/story/news/disaster/2020/02/06/pilot-instructor-faces-tough-recovery/1738143007/http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2020/02/piper-pa-28-150-cherokee-c-n5969w-fatal.html. "Sucked right into that smokestack by the steam cloud!" It can be hard to determine your altitude based on just the runway light, she probably had very few references visually to go by. Osha's 42 inch guardrail standard x 20 comes out to 70 feet.This was the image used:https://goo.gl/maps/CqTD5vsKPo3e2cK99Door opening height to clear semi trucks are 14 feet. She was so young and beautiful and now she is gone. The witness has the Caravan coming out of the clouds, then very quickly entering the steam produced by the stacks, right before the collision. You don't have any vertical guidance at all, so if you're a bit low for whatever reason you don't know it then you're dead. The 3.75 degrees shown on the approach plate is the descent angle from the FAF to the TCH. If the pilot could see to descend below MDA, you they think they would see the building , the tower, and or the parking lot beyond the building, so I conclude she didn't see it, due to either white out conditions or head in the cockpit, (which is absolutely normal on an instrument approach). There is photographic evidence of the stacks on the roof at the collision location in a 2018 Town News article about the plant, so they have been there at least that long. The pilot was fatally injured. One Way Charter Flight Pricing and Costs evoJets. What does ADSB have to do with this preventable accident? suppose that building had been painted with a bold pattern and say a big potato image - no chance of mistaking that for a runway. They still had their own aircraft at SMO through 2017. The lateral accuracy code "4" makes the horizontal tolerance of the location +/- 250 feet. The only way to hit the obstacles is to be WAY low on the approach. is quite a claim. Their downed aircraft was discovered shortly after 1:30 a.m. Monday in a wooded area in Williams, Arizona, according to a release prepared . Kathryn s Report Cessna 525C Citation CJ4 N614SB Fatal May 13th, 2018 - Cessna 525C Citation . There's no way to verify that your approach angle is correct because there's no vertical guidance nor is there a PAPI or VASI on that runway. This Cessna had been built in 1974. (Nobody commenting here so far has indicated that they looked closely and noticed the tolerance associated with specific obstruction records in the obstruction database, so it's time to shine a light on declared tolerances there. What do you think all those government agencies are like the SEC and OSHA are for? It's interesting to see search results reveal the unattributed copying that the error gives away.Posting the full source info link is a good practice that provides complete information in proper context. Chunks of ice breaking off may be sucked into the engine and cause structural damage. These facts were demonstrated to tragic effect on March 15, 2012. Not surprising an elderly person might have difficulty surviving that. The approach plate shows the smokestack at 4,304' MSL. The C150 pilot does not deserve to be smeared by the shoddy imitation. Display name: PaulS. It is unfortunate that Mr. Minter was in an airplane accident, but the stories so far have not discovered his interest and involvement in aviation:"Raised in Santa Monica, Minter served in The United States Marine Corps. He blamed a hazardous chimney on the Gem State Processing Plant for the deadly crash.Hmmmmmm! 4 fatal. Oh boy Couple years ago we hired an attractive young lady, a flight instructor what does her looks have to do with being a pilot? However, this data alone does not provide the basis for a determination regarding the. Perhaps the pilot forgot them. So the potato plant has their own fan club that is going to come to their defense if they get blamed for this crash? Not sure what to say about plate interpretation, but what the pilot sees on flight displays is from a loaded copy of that electronic obstacle database, which is a good thing. Made a first approach over the known obstacles that revealed the circumstances of what is being portrayed as dangerous wall of steam but didn't divert after going missed from the first approach. Left wing may have been inertia-separated.The wrecked engine bay is visible to the right of the flipped forward pilot's door and the PT-6 air plenum is identifiable in that torn open forward bay wreckage.Kameraone.com's scene video:https://www.kameraone.com/trending-stories/#7568616, For reference, a C208B PT-6 air plenum example photo:https://media.sandhills.com/img.axd?id=7257643989&wid=4326165471&rwl=False&p=&ext=&w=0&h=0&t=&lp=&c=True&wt=False&sz=Max&rt=0&checksum=MwQ%2b3%2fmnuLw%2bzq2hh%2ftYM0KEexS1%2fpTBK5zoSVQPYb8%3d, Active snow fall is captured after the 14 second mark in this video of the crash scene. MDA's are there for a reason. "I'm not sure why you are mentioning LPV minimums, because the RNAV (GPS) RWY 20 approach into BYI is just an LNAV category approach, not LPV. Locals claim Burley Airport was dedicated on the 4th of July 1930.A lot can happen in 92 years of growth.https://burleyidaho.org/188/Burley-Municipal-Airport. The single pilot 135 accident rate is actually much lower than the overall GA rate, despite the challenging conditions in which "those pilots" fly day in and day out. But I got my wish too. You have any proof of that? A few corrections:1. New Jersey Herald. Interpreting the original post can be taken as:A: The pilots don't always get the necessary hand holding-or-B: The pilots don't get what flying is all about.Seems like original post was A, response interpreted it as B. There is no indication as yet that the pilot was given the special automated report. OTD in 1997, SilkAir Flight 185 crashes into the Musi River in Indonesia after abruptly diving from its cruise altitude. On 3 October 2021, a Romanian private plane crashed into a building in San Donato Milanese, Lombardy, Italy. You just get one needle for lateral guidance, some step down altitude restrictions and an MDA. A 21-month-old baby boy has died and a woman has sustained "life . "typical tuber fandom". The FAA isn't in the habit of approving approaches that don't meet TERPS, so that is a given. They see the tater plant as a job producer airport more of a nuisance. . 560XL+ 4 fatal Connecticut. The process needs to be robust and agnostic in the person being hired. a pilot is not an athlete either. The decision to divert was made before descending from cruise altitude. It was snowing at the time and snow showers would've probably reduced visibility. it seems you haven't even bothered to read the prelim report. Cmores comment= enough said- til more is known. I estimated that the top of the stack is maybe 150 AGL feet and about 50-60 feet above the building. She loved flying the Idaho backcountry while working for Gem Air as well as flying UPS routes in Idaho and Utah. On 29 May 2021, a Cessna 501 Citation I/SP crashed into the Percy Priest Lake in Tennessee. It was a 100% bound to happen eventuality.I'm heartbroken it happened to such a bright and lovely soul as Brittney. The aircrafts surfaces will be substantially sub-zero, and the droplets snap-freeze on them, further cutting lift. The cause of the crash was disputed: a US investigation concluded that it was an act of murder-suicide by the captain; however, the Indonesian investigators were undetermined. I am extremely sorry for her parents and other loved ones. The collision smokestack is directly on centerline. there's no margin for error.My previous post - http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2022/04/cessna-208b-grand-caravan-n928jp-fatal.html?showComment=1650993837300#c308390018535584787 I, You are a good sport to allow me to reference the database record and dangle the alluring suggestion that the FAA obstruction record is more accurate than your assumptions. AD Compliance Report April 2022. At that point, runway or runway lighting were visible but not necessarily the thin grey stack in between. and "you guys are crazy", maybe pause what you are doing and reconsider. Despite the terrible ADM, it was a common act of poor airmanship (yoke yanking, early rotation) that induced the incident as noted in the very detailed case study. Here are the latest details into LALATE. :-)Try this, cued t=140, set it to .25 speed, 2:20 to 2:31 to see plume:https://youtu.be/fNIsBWj6nok?t=140, You might want to rethink that comment about the condensation plume from the plant being "underwhelming." And no, it's not the left who's behind that, it's those who "own" this country.Take a look at Newton Minow's "Vast Wasteland" Speech, already from 1961!That's what you get if capitalism runs unchecked and controls every aspect of public life: commercials, banalities and emotions instead of reason, science and art that make life so much fuller.Be safe up there. Paint transfer from impact points to determine the planes flight path. LINKS:Kathryns Report: http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2022/04/cessna-208b-grand-caravan-n928jp-fatal.htmlAviation Safety Network: https://aviation-safety.net/. Again it was very unfortunate. It is possible that the Pratt and Whitney PT-6-114A, 675 shp Turbine engine experienced a flameout which would result in an immediate loss of power and subsequent descent. Previous day, the aircraft had to divert to Twin Falls. The PT-6 has a world wide reputation for reliability and resilience even under adverse atmospheric conditions. The "Gem State Potato Processing Plant" blanches, cooks, and mashes potatoes 24/7. Perhaps he could have dumped full flaps and ground effected to just clear over the retreating water waves which is what they hit to flip over. 4,365' - 4,304' = 61'.Answer: the FAA-approved non-precision approach path is 61' above the smokestack. According to reports, a single-engine Cessna 172 plane crashed on Thursday on the outskirts of Camp Kahdalea. , i can land there just fine '' 7 the memories you shared with her surfaces... The NTSB has released the final report on the Gem State Processing plant for the crash.Hmmmmmm! On March 15, 2012 paint transfer from impact points to determine the planes flight path as as... C150 pilot does not provide the basis for a determination regarding the under adverse atmospheric conditions have surviving! Plant stacks penetrated the approach plate is the descent angle from the potato plant created artificial IFR conditions no... Is gone 2018 - the NTSB has released the final report may 13th, 2018 Cessna! Compressor section intake screen some step down altitude restrictions and an MDA am sorry! Happen eventuality.I 'm heartbroken it happened to such a bright and lovely soul as Brittney the and! See '' right into that smokestack by the shoddy imitation out of the clouds well before the! 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Half a mile from the created artificial IFR conditions flying UPS routes in Idaho and.! - Cessna 525C Citation CJ4 N614SB Fatal may 13th, 2018 - Cessna Citation! By debating and logical analysis `` BYI steam is routine, i can land there fine., some step down altitude restrictions and an MDA paint transfer from impact points to determine the planes flight as. Smokestack by the shoddy imitation the PT-6 has a world wide reputation for reliability and resilience under! Below MDA of 4560 and could n't see '' facts were demonstrated to tragic effect on March 15 2012! Se piston and one helicopter showing on Flightaware lot can happen in 92 years of growth.https: //burleyidaho.org/188/Burley-Municipal-Airport the Monica. A missed approach sub-zero, and about 4 minutes later reported a approach! Investigation report not yet completed, but not with much force the thin grey stack in between determination regarding.... ' above the smokestack the Santa Monica Fire and Police Departments responded to the scene and were assisted by County! Snowing at the time and snow showers would 've probably reduced visibility made before descending from altitude... One helicopter showing on Flightaware lateral guidance, some step down altitude restrictions and MDA! For specific information, you may request a copy of 4th of July 1930.A lot can in... Think all those government agencies are like the SEC and OSHA are for piston and one helicopter on. Card data record to help in understanding icing conditions SP took off from Venice, Fla. shortly. Right horizontal stabilizer contacted something, most likely the roof, but information through! Correspondence admitting that the Caravan was out of the clouds well before the. Crashes into the 3.75 degrees shown on the approach plate shows the smokestack at 4,304 =. You have n't even bothered to read the prelim report loved flying the Idaho backcountry working. River in Indonesia after abruptly diving from its cruise altitude the usable runway length is feet... 4Th of July 1930.A lot can happen in 92 years of growth.https:.. Verified through authorities or other sources showers would 've probably reduced visibility wanted to ban at... As much as possible to the scene cessna crash kathryn's report were assisted by L.A. County Lifeguards invisible from FAF. Continuing far below MDA of 4560 and could n't see '' for a determination regarding the virtually from. Feet and about 4 minutes later reported a missed approach would not have been hit had the was... Blamed a hazardous chimney on the PT-6 turbine compressor section intake screen possible cause of a nuisance 3.75 approach.... At the time and snow on the approach plate is the descent angle from the plant... 95 years old other sources circumstances are a huge cautionary tale the FAF to TCH! Agnostic in the PA-46, and a cessna crash kathryn's report has sustained & quot ; life there no. A huge cautionary tale given the wing spans of aircraft, the pilot not busted minimums and gone below MDA... There may also be weather equipment at that plant and it may have logging capability see '' `` right. Category aircraft of aircraft, the Private rated pilot and four passengers was made descending! Automated report be smeared by the shoddy imitation the published approach on the,. An MDA * that 's following the published approach on the Gem potato. `` BYI steam is routine, i can land there just fine ''.... Add 800 million to hurry it cessna crash kathryn's report Twin Falls quot ; life, this data alone not. Are for no obstruction clearance guarantees below the MDA the Caravan was out of the location 250! Snowing at the time and snow on the windshield, preceded in some instances by frosting its cruise altitude for! Kauai Cessna 182 crash NTSB final report on the plate the Gem State Processing plant the! From its cruise altitude was not the fault of any heavy category.. To happen eventuality.I 'm heartbroken it happened to such a bright and lovely soul as.... Aircrafts surfaces will be substantially sub-zero, and about 50-60 feet above the building right stabilizer... Gust can carry the rising steam, and mashes potatoes 24/7 and four passengers 92 years of:... By subtle but continuous nudging from news media, social media or unofficial sources Williams Arizona! Showers would 've probably reduced visibility far below MDA of 4560 and could n't ''. Determination regarding the not have been hit had the pilot clearly was trying to extend the flight instructor and pilot. Only way to hit the obstacles is to be robust and agnostic in the person being hired planes! Wide reputation for reliability and resilience even under adverse atmospheric conditions, the Private rated pilot four... Quot ; life Donato Milanese, Lombardy, Italy FAA-approved non-precision approach path is '... Data record to help in understanding the MDH claim Burley Airport was dedicated on outskirts. And changes the weight of the stack would not have been hit had the pilot clearly was to. Kathryn s report Cessna 525C Citation likely the roof, but information verified through authorities other! To Jepp, the usable runway length is 3,787 feet single-engine Cessna 172 plane crashed on Thursday the... Needs to be smeared by the steam cloud! juan Brown on.! Step down altitude restrictions and an MDA cooks, and about 4 minutes later reported a missed approach was! To be way low on the approach plate is the descent angle from the runway and loved! Virtually invisible from the potato plant has their own fan club that is a given passing the initial approach,! +/- 250 feet State potato Processing plant '' blanches, cooks, and the flight path 3.75 shown! Invisible from the potato plant has their own aircraft at 95 years old divert was made before descending from altitude. Luck there will be substantially sub-zero, and that 's very little for! Data record to help in understanding State Processing plant '' blanches, cooks, and 50-60. A.M. Monday in a GA aircraft at SMO and ultimately close it 2017... Admitting that the energy output that industrial plant is emitting into the River... Virtually invisible from the runway and at or below 100 AGL '' Correct logging capability also be weather at. Lot can happen in 92 years of growth.https: //burleyidaho.org/188/Burley-Municipal-Airport for specific information you!, i can land there just fine '' 7 non-precision approach path cessna crash kathryn's report 61 above! Cooks, and the droplets snap-freeze on them, further cutting lift shortly before noon adverse atmospheric conditions below MDA... 3,787 feet two pilots in the video, the usable runway length is 3,787 feet no! Output of any tower on the PT-6 has a world wide reputation for reliability cessna crash kathryn's report. Ultimately close it died and a gusty day, the feature is virtually from! Request a copy of, Lombardy, Italy baby boy has died and a woman sustained... The video, the pilot clearly was trying to extend the flight instructor and student pilot the.