there is no such thing. I dont care. Of course this matters. She started her legal career from the law firm Sidley Austin where she met Barack Obama and subsequently she worked in non-profits and as the associate dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago as well as the vice president for Community and External Affairs of the University of Chicago Medical Center. Comedian - Joan Rivers tells us who "Michael LaVaughn Robinson" is! Whatever Michelle, called Michael twice by Barack,is, she definitely fixed her package twice that I have seen. Michelle Obama's Mother Dies, Leaves Inheritance to 'My Son Michael'. *MICHELLE LAVAUGHN ROBINSON AKA MICHAEL LAVAUGHN ROBINSON VIDEO . that he was a member of a gay bath house in Chicago, and then there are the men who claim to have had sexual relationships with him. updated by Design Nebula, Virtual beer at a pub located near the campus of the University of Washington, Many photos posted to the internet prior to the election were apparently Photoshoped to make Michael/Michelle appear to. "Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. Michael is the second son of Fraser Robinson, a well-known cocaine dealer and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. it really dosent matter. she admitted to IVF doesnt mean the embryos were placed in here. (Read more about our partnership with Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram.) Born in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States on 17 Jan 1964 to Fraser C Robinson,. employer. [16.01.2023]. The daughters real mother Dr. Anita Blanchard was supposedly the same doctor that delivered the Obama daughters, see the connections below between the Nesbits and Obamas. We had Michael's husband in power for 8 years and the United States is still trying to recover, there is no way we can allow another Freemasonic Luciferian into the White House like Joe Biden . no unrenpented sin will enter the kingdom of heaven. Of course Michelle is a man. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. See also in various languages the Multilingual interwikis Michelle . Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are that of the author and may not represent the official views of HMM News or the Humorous Mathematics Media Network. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with . This Michael character you are talking about just barely has a resemblance. I know what I know because I walked in on hererrhimwhile he was taking a leak standing up in a bathroom in Trenton. Are you psychotic? People who usually allege such things and accuse other groups of hiding things like their gender or sexual orientation are the ones that have issues with people having different gender identities or sexual orientations, and when they propagate such theories these negative beliefs about other communities show up in the way they are framed. Michelle got involved in its daycare center that also helped in offering tutorials to older children after school. theaveeditor- Your posts are idioticFunny when you idiots start calling people Trumpsters! Why was ms plastic killed 2 days after her statement? Conspiracy theories are just about the norm these days, and it has almost become a given that if something is famous and people disagree with it at all, there will be a conspiracy theory about it at some point, which is the case with Michelle Lavaughn Robinson and Micheal Lavaugn Robinson. Looking back, Michelle described her childhood as growing up in a conventional home, where her father worked, her mother stayed at home, and they all ate dinner together. I have no way to ascertain whether the pictures are photoshopped. Anybody with any common sense will research this subject and come to one conclusion; That BIG MIKE is a Male hiding behind a DRAG outfit. I believe Michelle WAS born a man with a penis. Her / his penis OBVIOUSLY shows this in Many photographs over the years. She completed her Bachelor of Arts in 1985 as a cum laude. IDENTICAL! He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. go figure a gay barry and his man-lover michael from chicago another product of inner city breedingoh wait gay barry was not even born here. God Bless & WWG1WGA! Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama ( Chicago, 17 de enero de 1964) es una abogada, administradora universitaria y escritora estadounidense que fue primera dama de los Estados Unidos de 2009 a 2017. Why would you contact me? Just look at the football picture. Yes, it's real you can go pull it up for yourself. Regarding Barack, I do believe all the stuff about him being gay as I find it difficult to believe that Larry Singer would rent the Press Club if it werent true as he could be sued for defamation and he wasnt. Your email address will not be published. Satanists have infiltrated every single area inc. Govt, Corp Execs, etc. . While she was adamant at first about Obamas bid for the presidency, she agreed to support her husband when he promised to quit smoking in exchange for her support. Of course, there is no chance that the liberal media will pick this story up and I pray for our safety, now that we have. The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Whitney Young Magnet High Schoolin Chicago, Illinois . Are u all nutz? Admiral Mullens first name is Michael. Having said that, Im surprised that no one mentioned her high school year books. She is married to former President Barack Obama.. Raised on the South Side of Chicago, Obama is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School. She wrote a book in 2012 titled American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America, and in it she described her experiences with the garden and promoting healthy eating. What is HE hiding. I and many others believe she will run for president 2020. Strickland!!!! University of Chicago Medical Center. Fonctions 44 e prsident des tats-Unis 20 janvier 2009 - 20 janvier 2017 (8 ans) lection 4 novembre 2008 Rlection 6 novembre 2012 Vice-prsident Joe Biden Gouvernement Administration Obama Prdcesseur George W. Bush Successeur Donald Trump Snateur des tats-Unis 4 janvier 2005 . They forget that ANY man can donate sperm, as is done all the time. FIrst of all, after a sex change operation, she could not have children; second, where is the record of the medical operation? As is Barack. Michelle Obama introduced her first lead role in an administration-wide initiative called Lets Move in January 2010, to make progress in reversing the 21st-century trend of childhood obesity. See me now? Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is an American attorney and author who served as the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017. Was Damar Hamlins Injury a Scripted Ritual? Luckily, there is still an underground media rebellion that has managed to survive these dark times. People started believing the story about Michelle Lavaughn Robinson having been Michael Lavaughn Robinson because, to start with, it was too outrageous a lie to even defend, and then it was picked up by Alex Jones, a radio talk show host, who brought it up on his show as many as 12 times. I'm ashamed of what my species has fallen for My new email address is FRINGECULTURE@ADRENOGATE.NET. Michael's official Illinois voter registration card from 1994 indicated that he signed up as a male ("M" selected under sex) and after 14 years of voting as a male, Michael changed his sex status on July 14, 2008 from male to female as the Democrats elected Obama to run for the presidency: Here is Barack's half-brother Malik Obama (a Q Anon supporter) asking the question "Is Michelle Michael?". just the work of the devil and evil people who choose to do so. not to mention that anyone on this planet who is male or female and try to change their gender is an abomination to God. Ive examined the evidence carefully, as has the team of researchers here at Christwire. 09/27/2024. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with . He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the . Once, coming out of an apartment while visiting Harvard for her daughter. Basically, the factor that makes people believe conspiracy theories is the same thing that makes people not believe them, ironically, the fact that they are unthinkable and unbelievable. She also often got to bond with her extended family from both her mothers and fathers side. Thomas Apollo COLD CLOCKS a vax worker and gets SWARMED by nearly EVERYONE! You have WAY too much time on your hands. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The following excerpt is the true biographical information of Michelle Obama, given to me on, Michelle aka Michael Robinson Obama circa 1981, top right #44. Let them sue me. You losers dont know when youre being Fd with, or Trolled! God will be given the honor and respect that he has always had and will forever be the first, last, and forever will be, King of all Kings, God all mighty, Master of the universe. LOL.. Michelle Lavaughn Robinson married Barack Hussein Obama and had 1 child. Its now off the front page. Everything always seems to be in plain sight, go ahead and search for yourself and see: Just a couple dudes hanging out back in the days: Even Amazons gender recognition software positively identifies Michelle Obama as male: Even Chelsea Clinton admitted that Obama married a male, in her since deleted delusional tweet stating that some women are born with a penis: Craig Robinson (Michael LaVaughn Robinson's brother) has also come on record stating that Obama requested his assistance in convincing Michael to allow Obama to run for president. Michelle Obama. 0 references. it will then be enternally to late. (requires premium account) has no records of either of the children ever being born. We had Michael's husband in power for 8 years and the United States is still trying to recover, there is no way we can allow another Freemasonic Luciferian into the White House like Joe Biden. She reduced her professional workload to commit to the campaign and, later, to her husbands presidency, while never neglecting her duties as a mother. Did yoiu read the post ..INCLUDING THE HEADER??? Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. Are there not dozens of major news outlets you would want to appeal to first? 702. wachelsback7 Wachelsback7. The Ovomit presidency is the ultimate expression of phoniness, in so many ways. Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (born January 17, 1964) is an American attorney and author who served as first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017. She often told her mother that she would rather focus on her work.,, Jesse Upthegrove Attacks TA Becuz I Oppose Sawant/ The Ave, Kevin Shipp: Deep State & Dems Terrified of Trump Win in November Socio-Economics History Blog, Which party runs up the debt may surprise you, Be careful who you trust with the nuclear codes, 1981 High School Football Team Photo Leaves Little Doubt that Michelle Obama Was Born Michael Robinson, May God Protect Science from the Radical Religous Right, BUCHENWALD 94: Another effort to destroy the record of the Holocaust. It's undeniable: Here is the family of 6 vacationing together in Hawaii. She only received breasts. And NO! Golden Brown by The Stranglers ~ The (MITH)ical Vintage Remixes. do research so yall can stop sounding dumb. Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) June 12, 2022. Indeed, some say that Michelle Obama, 'First Lady' of the US, was born a man, Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on 17 th January 1964. 0 references. University of Chicago Medical Center. She was the first African American first lady. Im so sick of seeing ignorant comments about the unlikelihood of Michael being a man. However, throughout his speech, Obama referred to Mullen as Mike, not Michael. Satanism in the Entertainment Industry (Music, Hollywood, ILLUMINATI, NWO), When live TV goes bad - Fire eater sets his face on fire, 'Deny Deny Deny until your grandchildren die' - Chemtrail Pilots Speak Out, Hugo Talks: Ursula Wiffle Waffle World Economic Forum Bores! Third, you have to do genetic testing to prove that Malia and the other daughter are not hers, but you are to lazy. The Michael Lavaughn Robinson conspiracy theory proves yet again how much people use conspiracies as a means of political help or leg up, and it has become a very big way of taking up the oppositions time by making them debunk absolutely pointless and difficult claims while the important issues go unaddressed. Michelle Obama was raised on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois, and graduated from Princeton University and Harvard Law School. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. THAT WOMEN IS HUNG BETTER THEN MOST MEN CHECK HIM OUT ON THE ELLEN SHOW IT SWINGS GOOOD! He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson . Use tab to navigate through the menu items. They are creating Gender Confusion for a reason to advance their Satanic agenda. And yes, that's his verified blue-checkmark profile. (born Jan 17, 1964) held the office of First Lady of the U.S. as the wife of Barack Obama. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the . The high school was a three-hour round-trip commute from their home. Obama himself called him Michael once on accident in a speech. Joan's fame skyrocketed in 1968 when she first appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the . Michelle Obama is throwing it back way back with a never-before-seen photo of herself as little girl with her parents, Marian and Fraser Robinson. Before Michelle Obama, the first ladies Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush had supported the organic movement by instructing the White House kitchens to buy organic food and she extended their support of healthy eating by planting the White House Kitchen Garden, an organic garden, the first White House vegetable garden since Eleanor Roosevelt served as First Lady. ), and medical records; his refusal to explain whyhis Social Security number has a Connecticut prefix; and his outright deception about his birth certificate, an image of which he made public on April 27, 2011, but whichforensic experts have determined to be a fake. Fields Center, which was previously called the Third World Center. She graduated from Young Magnet High School, in Chicago, IL, in 1981, where she served in student council, was a member of the National Honor Society, and was salutatorian of her senior class.After attending Princeton, Obama obtained a J.D. After Dr. Rafael Espinanzo said what he felt was right to say Art Trubolls (Obama spokesman) simply threatened to sue for everything he was worth and made no denial of the claims relating to Michelle Obama being a man. Read The Book of Matthews. a SIMPLE ancestry search will show both of those girls on the NESBIT family tree. We Love WordPress 6.1.1 . Because conspiracy theorists like to allege absolutely outrageous things that cant possibly be debunked because they are just so bold, it can sometimes be very hard to even argue with people who hold such beliefs, and that may also be how these beliefs get carried forward; that is what happened in the case of Michael Lavaughn Robinson. Records: 169. She grew up in a closely-knit family that enjoyed reading and playing Monopoly. MORGELLONS RAIN WITH COVID INJECTION SAMPLE'S YEARS BEFORE COVID, BLACK GOO EVENT HORIZON ORIGINAL BROADCAST , NOT HAROLD VELLA, REICH'S ONLY ORGONE PATENTED GENERATORS THAT WORK, BLACK GOO FALKLANDS ORIGINAL EXPOSURE by MAX GRIFFIN & IT'S EVIL, ELUSIVE PARTICLE KEY to the UNIVERSE & HUMAN DEMISE. And Im not Republican. and the football pic was of a male, not a female dressed in football garb.None of you want to admit you are foolish enough to think you could be wrong! degree from Harvard Law School in 1988. Conspiracy theories like the one about a fictitious person called Michael Lavaughn Robinson have plagued the United States for some time now, and they have been present for far longer than the infamous Birther conspiracy, but before that they seemed to be more centered around the government hiding aliens or parts of the country or world not being real at all. She had to endure the latter during her growing years. Michael LaVaughan Robinson: Here is a standard google search of "Michelle Obama Pregnant" which unsurprisingly does not result in a single image of the guy pregnant. [14.01.2023], Steve Falconer vs Patrick Henningsen TNT Radio Live, BIOCHEMISTRY DEBUNKS RELIGION FREEMASONRY AND CHICKENPOX, Part 1: The New Body Soul Biology (English voice over) Dr Stefan Lanka, The New Body Soul Biology (English voice over) Dr Stefan Lanka, Adrian For the Love of Truth vs Steve Spacebusters Rematch, Spacebusters with Dawn Lester-David Parker What Really Makes You Ill, Orchestrated Energy, Food & Inflation Crises Purposely Putting Humanitys Population In Jeopardy, Channel 4 Show & Demolition Man Predictive Programming / Hugo Talks, Ursula Wiffle Waffle World Economic Forum BORES / Hugo Talks, The Shannon Joy Show - Died Suddenly 2 Documentarians Announce In Production, Heartbreaking footage caught on a babycam reportedly in December of 2022, YOU MAY NEVER TUST ANOTHER CELEBRITY AFTER WATCHING THIS, Im a 48 year old man multiple blood clots in my lungs, links to new channel, DONT LET LILITHS FAKE ANGEL AVATARS DRAG YOU TO HELL WITH HER, #2 Alicia keys is lilith , she got her head in the clouds=girl on fire= in hell saturncube matrix, #1 Alicia keys is lilith , she got her head in the clouds=girl on fire= in hell saturncube matrix, stacy-blu-rays mom = LILITH , ENCODED SATANIC VIDEO, #3 earth is a saturn cube computer simualtion soul test, #2 earth is a saturn cube computer simualtion soul test, #1 earth is a saturn cube computer simualtion soul test, STACY-BLU-RAY IS #LILITH ,SOON TO BE GODDESS OF A.I. The truth about Michael Lavaughn Robinson is that he does not exist, and some people on Facebook alleged, in a page that has since been deleted, that Michelle Lavaughn Robinson, the former first lady of the United States, was born by the name of Michael Lavaughn Robinson. Michelle Obama is not a woman who used to be a man. |, Next review date: Michelle Obama, ne Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, (born January 17, 1964, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.), American first lady (2009-17), the wife of Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States. (Part 47 - A Must share!) Ever since that picture with the 2 of them at the basketball game with the shoulders and the hairy armpits plus Obama calling her Michael 10 times.and the bulge in his i mean her dress is more than this Kiowa can bear! Information for those seeking spiritual clarity on the subject of Covid-19 vaccination. It was my tweet on Brittney Griner's MASSIVE Adam's Apple that ultimately slayed my accountLMFAO. People who DO NOT believe this are just HOPELESS fools grabbing at straws and cannot admit the obvious.She was NOT a First Lady she was a First Queen. People constantly raised questions on twitter and facebook about his birth certificate and questioned the legitimacy of his decisions based on the fact that he wasnt a real American. This is what is going on in the United States of America right now, which is indicative of End Times, but thats for another discussion. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the . She was a student council treasurer, National Honor Societys member, and took advanced placement classes. every person, wheather nonbeliever or not, idol worshiper, man made religions etc. nothing in this world is important except getting to know God and becoming his child and living faithly and total obedience to him till the end and then spend enternity with him heaven. Camouflage - See me? Even before Obamas gaffe, there were bloggers who said Michelles real (birth) name is Michael. It doesnt help that theHawaii official, Loretta Fuddy, who had signed off on Obamas purportedly birth certificate was the only passenger whodied in a small planecrash. Im doubtful about all of this transgender stuff about Michelle Robinson even if it seems plausible given all the information provided on the internet. [Editor's Note: August 15, 2014: A google search revealed that Michelle was first outed (as a man) in a story posted on June 30, 2011 by Matthew Glosser at a web site called Barack and his co-conspirators have been grooming Michelle to run for president since 2016. Like any good, Christian journalist, I was skeptical at first. She is the wife of former President Barack Obama. Michelle followed in her brothers footsteps and enrolled at the Princeton University in 1981. This is because he was adventurous while Michelle had stability which she got from her supportive family. This is disturbing to say the least and is yet another sign of the impending End Times prophecy outlined in the Book of Revelation. you judge Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th . Thanks and God bless. "Michelle Obama, first lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois, on Jan. 17, 1964." This post was flagged as part of Facebook's efforts to combat false . She then got into the first magnet high school in Chicago, the Whitney Young High School, known as Selective Enrollment Academe. All sin is sin. She became the US First Lady from 2009 to 2017, which was more than enough time for people to acknowledge what a remarkable woman she is. In various languages the Multilingual interwikis Michelle on January 17th, 1964 University Harvard! Who is male or female and try to change their gender is an attorney. Meta, which was previously called the Third World Center premium account ) has no of... When youre being Fd with, or Trolled address is FRINGECULTURE @ ADRENOGATE.NET posts are when... X27 ; s real you can go pull it up for yourself to subscribe to this blog and receive of. Who is male or female and try to change their gender is an American attorney and author who as. Is yet another sign of the impending End times prophecy outlined in the Book Revelation... 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