Barry Seal's widow, Debbie Seal, and others have wondered why the government didn't do more to protect Seal, whether he wanted the protection or not. The CIA helped maintain these troops, and sponsored two invasions of China. 14. When the major media turn aside from stories so sensational, and so easy to pursue, it's unlikely to be an accident. If you say "NO" to Khun Sa, you are showing colors not fit for a man who would be President. I at once felt a sense of panic and relief that Seal was gone. In his research for the book, the only confirmed connection Hahn could make between the CIA and Barry Seal was in 1984, after Seal had started working as an informant for the DEA.
It makes me and my mole on the inside that's feedin' the stuff to me invincible. In 1980, funds from a major Bolivian trafficker were funneled to the Argentine military, which then sent ambulances loaded with weapons to Bolivia. Barry Seal is a name known between drug binders and crime cartels in the 80s. However, he was caught and, afterwards, fired, In 1976, the pilot began a drug smuggling career. As a drug smuggler for Colombia's Medelln Cartel, Barry Seal earned as much as $500,000 per flight smuggling cocaine into the United States. Nugan Hand collapsed spectacularly in 1980. Still, given what the CIA knew about LSD at this early date, it doesn't seem inconceivable that the CIA may have hoped that greater availability of the powerful drug would undermine the political effectiveness of the student movement and counterculture. Deborah Dubois is an American celebrity who is popularly known as the wife of Adler Berriman Seal popularly known as Barry Seal. He finished the United States Army Airborne School, but after that, he couldnt complete the United States Army Special Forces training and selection. The egregious nature of the conspiracy surrounding their death goes to a level that is virtually humorous. Required fields are marked *. Ross Perot once said in private When you look into the prisoner cover-up, you find government officials in the drug trade who cant break themselves of the habit. (See Ross Perot Will Not Like This Book, Richard Bernstein, NYT 8/7/96) Google Chip Tatum Pegasus and you will learn about GHW Bushs attempts to intimidate or possibly murder Ross Perot who simply knew too much about the governmental drug trade. The movie's title was changed to put less emphasis on the Arkansas connection, including the possibility that Bill Clinton was aware of what was going on. She says that she thought he was an airplane broker and also that he rented out old anti-aircraft lighting for various promotional events. The movie's loose interpretation of the true story is echoed in the trailer when a voice-over by Tom Cruise as Barry Seal tells us that only "some of this sh*t really happened." Just prior to the movie's release, news broke that the family of deceased stunt pilot Alan Purwin was suing American Made's producers for wrongful death. He worked for Pablo Escobar and the Medelln Cartel. The 1980 cocaine coup in Bolivia was arranged by the Argentine military, which in 1976 seized power in Argentina and proceeded to "disappear" about 11,000 of the country's own citizens. The gunman was later identified as Luis Carlos Quintero-Cruz. 2, 36, 41. He was the youngest 707 pilots in the TWA fleet. Sadly she had a scandal, Barry Seals was arrested for drug trafficking and illegal activities leading up to his death. Rodriguez made me feel comfortable.
"There ain't nuthin' in this world more powerful than good ol' xxxxing blackmail, Terry. In 1980, amidst several mysterious deaths, the bank collapsed, $50 million in debt. There was nothing casual or accidental about this bashing. This book is an expanded edition of Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia (New York: Harper & Row, 1972). It would certainly place him into a conspiracy to assassinate a CIA drug runner for the sake of political expediency. I am still puzzled over how Rodriguez found out about the incident. This article is about the late Barry Seal, a CIA agent who is said to have smuggled between $3 billion and $5 billion worth of drugs into the U.S. If the Seal documents show anything, an attentive reader might conclude, it is that ominous implication of some official sanction. Barry attended Louisiana Army National Guard for six years, where he served with 20th special forces. Here is a good biography on Barry Seal at Spartacus Educational: The US repeatedly thwarted Costa Rican efforts to extradite Hull back to Costa Rica to stand trial. 'No members of the staff of the CIA (were) in the cocaine business,' he said.". In fairness we may note that the media were only following the government's lead on this issue. By 1979, the long arm of the law caught up with him as he was arrested in Honduras en route from Ecuador. And don't let anybody ever tell ya different. [1] Reaves employed Barry Seal as a pilot in many of his drug-smuggling operations. She asked me to wait while she transferred the call, which was immediately picked up by a man who identified himself as Admiral somebody or other, who said to me 'Barry, Where you been? Deborah was born on June 29, 1965, in Kahnawake, Quebec (Mohawk Territory). "Tom did all his own flying in the movie," says director Doug Liman, who is a pilot himself (, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. When he was 16 years old, the seal received a pilot certificate. "Don't worry about him. After three major investigations, Australian officials concluded that the bank had been primarily involved in laundering money for arms and drug traffickers. Barry Seal with his wife Deborah DuBois and with their kids. I, you and Nancy Reagan are really serious about saying "NO" to drugs, why not test Gen Khun Sa? Barry Seal: Set up for Murder: http://whatreallyhapiii_3-3-86.html This is a must read letter from the Louisiana Attorney General William J. Guste, Jr. to the US Attorney General Edwin Meese on March 3, 1986, complaining about why Barry Seal was not given governmental protection. Barry Seal, who was sentenced to work at the Salvation Army, was shot to death on the 19th of February, 1986 in front of the facility. "I watched the CIA protect drug traffickers throughout my career as a DEA agent," says Michael Levine. But our media establishment took one look into the abyss and decided that investigative journalism was not so profitable after all. and me, he would push my ability to follow orders to the breaking point - and destroy our friendship. And as the Mercury News noted: in 1993, snorters of powdered cocaine drew an average sentence of three months, whereas crack smokers got an average of three years. Parallel stories have appeared in provincial papers before, and been ignored. The combined House and Senate Iran-contra hearings in 1987 also ignored the drug issue. So in the end, Perot owes his life to Oliver Stone! Meet Barry Seals Wife And Kids Meet His 3 Wives; Deborah, Barbara, & Lynn, Pilot, Drug smuggler, Cartel member, Police informant. Consider the case of Oliver North, known associate of drug traffickers. Had Barry been alive and invested his money, he would have definitely been one of the richest men on earth. Not knowing, I ventured a guess that maybe he was considering running for public office and didn't feel the POW -Vietnam association would be a plus in his resume. Geraldo Rivera Show, CNBC-TV, 9 October 1996, with guests Jack Blum, Michael Levine, and Maxine Waters. Birthplace: Baton Rouge, LA. through me. In addition, his fate was explained in three films, who got a lot of popularity. Then one day in 1970, the poet Allen Ginsberg stumbled onto the CIA-heroin connection while sorting his files of clippings. While he was working with the TWA, he secretly facilitated the transportation of plastic explosives to Mexico. His third marriage was to Deborah DuBois in 1973 whom he was with till his untimely death. In total, he had illegally imported $3 to $5 billion worth of drugs and an estimated 56 tons of cocaine into the U.S., making over 100 flights. They married in 1974. Robert , I went to see Bo Gritz give a lecture at the University of California Santa Barbara. Chip Tatums story: http://whatreallyhapATUM/tatum.html. He spread the tentacles of his operations fromLouisiana to Arkansas, Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport, in Mena. That kind of job and recognition doesn't go to a brother-in-law, or a mere campaign contributor, or hack. Rangel's letter ended up buried in the Congressional Record (August 6, 1987), because the Post refused to publish it. But Barrys career with TWA ended following the allegations of his involvement in a plastic explosive smuggling conspiracy to Mexico using DC-4. North's infamous notebooks, however, may yet return to haunt him. What should fade away now are the rationalizations that once led men like Deutch to justify cutting deals with tinhorn dictators and smack dealers. He elaborated that some of the money was laundered through two powerful Arkansas companies with ties to Clinton. He grabbed the control yoke and executed a series of aileron rolls. Died: 19-Feb - 1986. "Seal reached back to open the duffel bag in the back. "[12] Feeling his life was in danger, Castillo got out in a hurry in 1990. I told him about my being set-up in Texas. The ability of well-paid media people to vaporize the known history of the CIA, to turn this history into a non-issue, is scary -- scarier, almost, than the long, lamentable, but extremely well-documented story of CIA involvement with drug traffickers on four continents. Barry and his wife talked about going into witness protection, but like in the movie, he decided against it. WebMarrie J. Reaves. -Smuggler's End: The Life and Death of Barry Seal A man who claimed he was Barry Seal's boss. South Vietnam was completely corrupted by a heroin trade whose immediate origin was in Laos. I was charged with "Misuse of Passport". Reports about his shooters pointed to Colombian men hired by Ochoa from Pablo Escobar cartel. The films are doubrossed, infiltrator, and America made, Seal married three times. He had already been flying planes for nearly half his life, earning his student pilot's license at age 15 and pilot's license at 16. He was born on July 16, 1939, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I thought, whew, it was a close one, Ill tell you. Jack Blum is surely right to want to pursue all CIA-drugs investigations within the framework of the larger history of the CIA -- even though one must surely question Blum's assumption that established agencies are capable of doing this. His story has long been made into movies includingDoublecrossed (1991), Infiltrator (2016) andAmerican Made (2017) with talented actors Dennis Hopper, Michael Pare and Tom Cruise all playing Barry Seal respectively. Crack is smoked rather than snorted, a process which absorbs more of the drug into the body with less effort. But thanks to the tremendous furor and popularity of Oliver Stone's JFK, which was HUGE (When I saw it, the theater was packed solid. He was screaming at them because he said, I just gave you a couple hundred-thousand dollars and I want this done!. His drug empire made Guzmn a billionaire, and he was ranked the 10th richest man in Mexico and 1,140th in the world in 2011, with a net worth of roughly US$1 billion. Yes. CIA personnel appeared at the sheriff's department within 48 hours of the raid and removed the seized files from the evidence room. Not all of Barry Seal's heirs were happy with the making of the movie. According to his flight instructor, Barry is a gifted Pilot. Two years later, when the Kerry subcommittee report was released, the Post buried it on a back page, and devoted most of the short article to Republican criticisms of Kerry. And Blond Barbara with Dark roots Easter Time 1964, You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, Pipe Dreams: the CIA, Drugs, and the Media, by Daniel Brandt and Steve Badrich From NameBase NewsLine, No. At the moment of his death, Barry Seal had an estimated net worth of $60 million. His character is inspired by the stories we learned about Barry." Indeed Seal would die a violent death a year later- at the hands of whom is still a point of controversy in some circles. Also, view a news story about Barry Seal's death. His last marriage was with Deborah Dubois, who was with him to death. In 1946 the ONI appealed to Luciano's parole board. He got his student pilot certification at the age of16 and a private pilot certificate at the age of 17. This was a guy who not only had been DCIA, but the whole HQ was named after him! In December 1982 she called Raymond Smatt in Jamaica, who invited Darlene to his mansion, where she stayed for several weeks. The late afternoon of Nov 22nd I was forced onto a 2nd Hollywood Hootenanny tour bus and the only singers on that bus was me and Tumbleweed Tom, my watcher. Barry Seal married three times. He was convicted to serve ten yearsof jail term. ", Watch the YouTube interview of Chip Tatum about his orders from GHW Bush to neutralize (murder) Ross Perot in 1991-1992 period, "CIA +George HW Bush,Gary Hart,H Ross Perot,Blackmail" is name of YouTube Video,, The Crimes of Mena by Sally Denton and Roger Morris, Another good article to read is: The Crimes of Mena by Sally Denton and Roger Morris from the July 1995 issue of Penthouse Magazine (this story was set to run in the Washington Post and it got spiked by an editor for political reasons. {4}, During U.S. military involvement in Laos and other parts of Indochina, Air America flew opium and heroin throughout the area. During the time he smuggled drugs, Seal was paid $1.3 million per one flight. They're a cabal of crackpots! ", A Brief History of CIA Involvement in Drug Trafficking, CIA arms, money, and disinformation enabled Corsican criminal syndicates in Marseille to wrestle control of labor unions from the Communist Party. ", When our major media behave more irresponsibly than Congress, and frequently only a few members of Congress deserve our support, it's easy to see that we have a problem. -Smuggler's End: The Life and Death of Barry Seal In early 1985, I received a telephone call from a man at the Mansion who identified himself as Felix Rodriguez. Anyway, I had recounted to Jeb, as if he didn't know what the text of that meeting was that he chaired - the conversations he had with Oliver North and Richard Secord and Dewey Clarridge, all of whom attended that meeting. [ 12 ] Feeling his life to Oliver Stone 1979, the poet Allen Ginsberg stumbled onto the CIA-heroin while! Who got a lot of popularity in 1990 in 1990 he would push my ability to follow orders the... 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