I repent of my sins and I ask for your forgiveness on the basis of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now the Lord is saying that before the apple tree blooms this spring, their buds shall bloom. Smith, he claimed, would be unduly influenced by the Pope, who Jones said was to Catholics "the voice of God. Johnson, 138; Turner, 12. (This is not the Bob Jones who founded Bob Jones University). Peace beyond understanding is what God is offering us. Global Pandemics: John G. Lakes Testimony During The Spanish Flu: The Kingdom Age: What Will The Church Look Like In The Kingdom Age? How fitting for this giant to ascend on the day set aside to express love. Discovering Where You Truly Belong: The Stages of Spiritual Maturation, Prophetic Encounter: Passover to Pentecost, Purim A Time Redemption: Defeating Your Haman, Arrested Development: Destroying the Python Spirit, Healing Traumatic Experiences (Spirit, Soul, Mind, & Body), Contending In The Heavens: Advanced Spiritual Warfare, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: Gods Global Family (Module 10) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade & The Black Hebrew Diaspora (Module 9) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: INTO AFRICA (Module 8) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: THE SILK ROAD (Module 7) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: THE PASHTUN (Module 6) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel THE RETURN (Module 5) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: JEWISH OR HEBREW? Mercy! God expects us to rationally examine miracles that point to Him. But by far, the man of God that impacted my revelatory journey the most was Seer Prophet Bob Jones. Now come the peacemakers and they make peace with God and with man. As he prayed for understanding the Lord revealed to him that many people have been in the bud. Bob Jones is known as a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. Lyn has cowritten The Shepherd's Rods 2014-2018. If this ministry is a blessing to you, please partner with this effort in bringing encouragement and inspiration to the Body of Messiah. They see Him as the cruel master and judge instead of being the God of love and justice. Jones defended Klan positions in the 1920s, but there is no evidence that he ever became a member: I am not a member of the Ku Klux Klan, Mr. Jones said, Col. He designed the layout of the present campus and was involved in the academic restructuring to transition Bob Jones College into a university. WikiTree /a > Paul Cain undernourish a href= '' https //www.bing.com/ck/a! CLICK HERE! Biography: Blake Lively. It was there the Lord helped Bob sort out his life and Bob repented and turned to the Lord. Jones later recalled, "We may have been a little undernourished, but we built some character. Unfortunately much of the body has seen the Father from a wrong perspective. I will take a look at the remainder of your blog site. At age 12, Jones was made Sunday School superintendent, and he held his first revival meeting at his home churchseeing sixty conversions in a single week. Jones's family was devoutly Christianhis mother a Primitive Baptist and his father an "immersed" Methodist. I rememberjust afterI first heard of Bob Jones, he predicted a solar storm that was to occur on a certain date. May we who are left to carry on learn to receive and release that same contagious love of God. Over the years you see more generations turn to psychedelics, new age practices and even Satanism to find some kind of spiritual connection. Sheep Among Wolves: The Coming New World Order! To receive the salvation that Jesus purchased for us at the terrible cost of His suffering and death on our behalf I invite you to pray this simple prayer: Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for sending Jesus, the promised Messiah, to die for my sins. Although fearful at the time he ran, however, many years later he returned to pick up that old mantle which is that of a Seer Prophet. The Power of the Blood of Jesus CLICK HERE! In 1947, the school moved to Greenville, South Carolina, where it was renamed Bob Jones University. [14] Therefore, the BJC creed affirmed the inspiration of the Bible and rejected the theory of human evolution as necessary tenets of Christian belief. Passover 2020: Prepare For A Visitation From The Lord CLICK HERE! Although fearful at the time he ran, however, many years later he returned to pick up that old mantle which is that of a Seer Prophet. His prophesies have spanned over four decades as the Lord has enabled him to foretell earthquakes, tidal waves, comets, and weather patterns. The Bob Jones University creed (composed by journalist and prohibitionist Sam Small) was an abbreviated statement of traditional orthodoxy, emphasizing those aspects of the faith that were under attack during the early twentieth century. Jones later recalled that in 1924, his friend William Jennings Bryan had leaned over to him at a Bible conference service in Winona Lake, Indiana, and said, "If schools and colleges do not quit teaching evolution as a fact, we are going to become a nation of atheists. This is the year the army of God comes together with angels beyond number and weapons that cannot be defeated by the enemy. Bob was friendly, humorous, affable and when you spoke with him you always had his full attention. We Have No Food For You: When God Becomes Your Source! We have seasons going by like its Netflix. Learn how your comment data is processed. Apostles Arise: Walking In An Authentic Apostolic Flow. When only seven years old and walking on a dirt road in Arkansas; the Arch Angel Gabriel appeared to Bob Jones on a white horse and blew a double silver trumpet in his face. Created With Love By Bright Mark Media LLC. These teams will be united with one purpose in mind and when they go to war they will make decrees and declarations according to the heart of the Father. We are Read Time: 4 Minutes 47 Seconds In 2022, TIME Magazine named the women of Iran as the "Heroes of the Year," specifically honoring their fight for freedom from oppression. I know this because we were neighbors there. Jones also supported members of the Klan, notably his friend, Alabama Governor Bibb Graves, for political office. I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you., Its Time to Plead the Blood of Jesus Over All the Viruses That Are Coming and Spirits of Death:Its time we get back to teaching about the Blood and pleading the Blood of Jesus over our lives; especially over the viruses that are coming. Children of church members were attending college, only to reject the faith of their parents. Bob Jones is known as a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. At Heritage International Ministries in Fort Mill, South Carolina, abuildingthat willhost 24/7 intercessory prayer has recently been completed. God promised Bob that he would see the beginning of one billion souls coming into the kingdom in one great wave of the end time harvest. This is what I see; the blooming of the apple tree will be our blooming in the spirit and worshipping the Father in spirit and in truth. His prophesies have spanned over four decades as the Lord has enabled him to foretell earthquakes, tidal waves, comets, and weather patterns. Although the ancient truths Read Time: 4 Minutes 20 Seconds Praise be to God in the highest, and on Earth peace and goodwill toward men. Bob Jones was a humble man of God who was gifted by God as a seer prophet. Jones wrote that he was an old man who did not want to get into a battle but that he would not go back on the Lord Jesus Christ. The notoriety of the Graham-Jones split marked a more-or-less permanent division among Bible-believers into smaller fundamentalist and larger evangelical factions.[17]. Martial Law Is Coming to America. Bob gave me good directional guidance from the Lord. why did i get an email from geek squad. When only seven years old and walking on a dirt road in Arkansas; the Arch Angel Gabriel appeared to Bob Jones on a white horse and blew a double silver trumpet in his face. [21] Jones's health began to fail before the integration of neighboring Furman University in 1965, and he did not live to see the abandonment of segregation, six years later, at Bob Jones University. Bob Jones is remembered for his many end-time prophetic visions that have come to pass, including a prophetic word about the current corona virus pandemic given many years ago:. This army is getting ready to take entire cities and eventually entire states. It is fitting that this prayer center should be named in his honor. Prophecy is a major part of the group. Start The New Year Off Right With TheGodBlog.Org, A Prophetic Look at Past, Present, & Future Events, Sukkot: A Prophetic Look at the Feast of Tabernacles. God promised Bob that he would see the beginning of one billion souls coming into the kingdom in one great wave of the end time harvest. And this peace is beyond all human understanding. Bob moves with a clear revelatory gifting, accompanied by gifts of healing and miracles. New Year 2020: Prepare to Receive Restitution: The School of The Mouth: No More Careless Words! Rosh Hashanah Hebrew Year 5781: Restoring The Fortunes of Zion! View our top 300 artists Browse Artist Monographs given to him by Bob and Viola relocated to southern Alabama, near the Gulf coast by the mid nineties. Mishpacha: Finding Your Tribe Building Covenant Relationships. If you prayed this prayer in the humble sincerity of your heart then you have received everlasting life, which includes power to live right in this life and entrance into heaven in the afterlife! Bob Jones is known as a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. Jesus said Ye must be born again (John 3:7). Some of the best laborers are being taken out by these plagues. The film, which tells the story of what life might look like after the biblical rapture, comes after Read Time: 2 minutes People around the world are hungry for a spiritual encounter. 11:30AM EST 2/14/2014 Jennifer LeClaire. Has Bob jones ever written any books? In the late 1920s, Jones, like Billy Sunday (who was an Iowan), accepted contributions for his evangelistic campaigns from the Ku Klux Klan. Bob Jones trained multitudes to walk in their spiritual gits. Like Daniel who functioned at an incredible level, Bob has often told leaders their dreams and experiences, as well as the interpretation. He met Jesus face to face as there were two lines there; One going to everlasting destruction and one leading to eternal life. Although fearful at the time he ran, however, many years later he returned to pick up that old mantle which is that of a Seer Prophet. Issachar Women Arise: Discern Your Times & Seasons! Although fearful at the time he ran, however, many years later he returned to pick up that old mantle which is that of a Seer Prophet. [12], New mass entertainment, such as radio and movies, helped put an end to an era of citywide evangelism typified by the ministries of Bob Jones and Billy Sunday. Decade 2020: Unlimited Favor and Acceleration! He loves you! Yours alone is the glory. I focused on that datelike a laser and when that date came along, I believe it was March 5th, 1989, sure enough, there was a major solar storm that day! Paul Keith Davis of White Dove Ministries and Bobby Conner ministered with Bob and traveled with him during this time. He attended until 1904 but by then was already so prominent as an evangelist that he left without taking a degree, in part to help support two widowed sisters. Dont Be Quick To Tell Your Goals Until Its Done Negative Energy Can Throw Off Your Goals! His gift was very strong and reliable yet Bob never preferred to be called Prophet Bob Jones. He was just brother Bob. Your email address will not be published. After his death experience in 1975 God sent him back to minister to church leadership and reach the multitudes with His love, truth and equipping the saints with understanding of the spiritual gifts. Paul Cain, one of the Kansas City prophets who later was exposed as an alcoholic and a homosexual taught about what he called "Joel's Army". On February 14th, 2014, Valentines Day, heaven gave a shout as Bob Jones, prophetic Papa to many a friend of Jesus, graduated from this earthbound life, sprouted wings, and flew through the OPEN DOOR. One plague was influenza while the other was like influenza in nature. The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel FREE ONLINE COURSE! It seems fitting that he would pass on a day that celebrates love.. Profession. New Year 2021: Restoring The Fortunes of Zion! Click here to read tributes from Mike Bickle, Bill Johnson, Rick Joyner and others. The Moabite Stone, also referred to as the Read Time: 4 minutes, 4 seconds Following are snippets of the top stories posted oncharismamag.com over the past week. I wonder if he has interviewed the four living creatures yet? In 1905, Jones married Bernice Sheffield, who contracted tuberculosis and died within ten months of their marriage. On Aug 8th, 1975 Bob Jones had a hemorrhage, died, and went to heaven. Call uponChrist today to receive forgiveness of sins! God is arming the body of Christ with weapons of His divine love that the enemy has no defense against. Jones was a friend and admirer of William Jennings Bryan but also campaigned throughout the South for Herbert Hoover (and against Al Smith) during the 1928 presidential election. Thank you Lord so much for your servant Bob Jones, now one of the cloud of Witnesses The Great Tribulation: The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse & The Seven Seals. The Apostolic-Prophetic Movement ( AP movement) is a Christian movement of people who believe that they are restoring elements of what they call the Five-Fold Ministry. There have been books written about him. He married Viola around that time. (Unlike Billy Sunday, Jones was reluctant to keep tabulated records of his results.) Through her passion for the Lord and quick wit, she delivers a power packed punch that drives home truth. Prophetic Words 2022: Starting The New Year Off Right, Prophetic Word 2022: Coming Out of the Wilderness, New Year 2022: The Year of the Bride Preparing For The Bridegroom, Alone But Not Lonely: God May Have Set You Apart For An Incredible Reason. Greenville, South Carolina. American evangelist and broadcaster (18831968), For other people known as "Doctor Bob", see, The story that Jones was also named "Davis" for Confederate president Jefferson Davis is presented at length in Johnson, 7-10, and is repeated in Kurt W. Peterson, Jones, Bob,. Bob Jones B&W - 300 DPI Bob Jones Color - 300 DPI, Bob & Bonnie B&W - 300 DPI Bob & Bonnie Color - 300 DPI, Bonnie Jones B&W - 300 DPI Bonnie Jones Color - 300 DPI. Turner (23) says it occurred in early April 1925, but as late as August 29, 1925, Jones told an Alabama audience, I cant figure out why any man in Covington County would want to sell out and go to Florida. Although some of them are ancient promises they will bloom in the spring before the apple tree does and they will begin producing the fruit of righteousness. Sometimes the word the Lord gives me for the body of Christ is rather stern and/or startling. Bob Jones (Secrets) - 10 Keys For Your Breakthrough Renan Ministries 44.1K subscribers Subscribe 101K views 3 years ago Your Life will Be Impacted by 10 Breakthrough Keys from Bob Jones!. Dr. Bob Jr. became president in 1947. Turning the Tables: Releasing Entrepreneurs. Prosecutors charged that Bakker diverted to his own use $3.7 million of the money that had been given to his "ministry." The buildings could not hold the crowds; people even stood outside and stuck their heads in the windows to listen. Remember this severe illness like influenza is represented by the scorpion. Jones graduated from Mallalieu in 1900, and the following year he entered Southern College (later Birmingham-Southern College) at Greensboro, Alabama, supporting himself with his preaching. In August of 1975, Bob died of a sudden illnessand saw things just outside the gates of paradise. "[8], In the fall of 1925shortly after the Scopes TrialJones and his wife were driving in south Florida talking about the need for an orthodox Christian college as an alternative to what he perceived to be loss of both state and denominational colleges to secularism. His gifts were recognized by Dr. Charles Jefferson Hammitt (18581935), a Methodist missionary from Philadelphia and former president of Mallalieu Seminary (18821923), a Methodist secondary school in Kinsey. Crowds might be as large as 15,000 at a time, virtually necessitating the sustained volume, hyperbolic language, and extravagant gestures that became stereotypical characteristics of period evangelists. Redeemed: Yom Kippur The GRAND FINALE for the Days of Awe! Decade 2020: Turn Back The Battle At The Gate, TRANSFORM: A 90-Day Holy Spirit Prayer Challenge With Jennifer LeClaire. Perhaps three thousand of his approximately ten thousand radio messages survive, and recordings are still nationally syndicated.[13]. The Janus Project: The Hip-Hop Industry & Ghetto Mind Control: The Songwriters Secret: Decoding Occult Lyrics & Symbolism in Old School, Rock, Hip-Hop & R&B: The New Jesus Movement: The Reformation, Recalibration, & Maturation of The End-Time Church! Parable of the Ten Virgins: Cultivating Intimacy With The Bridegroom (The End-Times), The Bloodlines Of The US Presidents: The New World Order Connection, State of Emergency: PREPARE! During the early 1920s Jones was one of the first religious figures to broadcast on radio. God has given us evidence and part of that evidence is fulfilled prophecies. On the side leading to destruction, the people were dressed in whatever they worshipped as their God. By the time Jones was 17, both his father and mother were dead. By age 15, Jones was a licensed circuit preacher for the Alabama Methodist Conference. Jones understood that the manner of delivery necessary to declaim to thousands unamplified was unsuited to the new medium, and his radio sermons were instead delivered in an intimate, folksy manner. Prophecy and accurate fulfillment of prophecy is one of the hallmarks ofour Judeo-Christian faith. (Part 2). Upon his release, he and Viola attended Baptist churches over the next few years. bli certifierad tandblekare. Was written, directed and Produced by Trey Smith " feelings behind the Jones /a > 2 . Super Bowl 55: Occult Symbolism Breakdown. The office I humbly have been annoitie Bob Jones Prophesied Specifically About Global Pandemics: A Prophetic Warning: The Trumpet Is Sounding But No One Is Alarmed: CLICK HERE! I give honor to whom honor is due. God gives signs through astronomical phenomena. When we have peace with the Father then the bloom will begin to turn into fruit. New Assignments! I like hearing about Bob Jones, so read your material. He was too young for World War II but as a Marine Corps reservist, he was called up during the Korean War in the early 1950s. Bob moves with a clear revelatory gifting, accompanied by gifts of healing and miracles. When the Blood is on the lintels of our houses, none of these death spirits can trespass. In 1921, Muskingum College, a Presbyterian school, became the first of several institutions to confer honorary doctorates on Jones. Skin To Skin: Lingering In The Presence of God: A 90-Day Soaking Challenge With Tiphani Montgomery! His prophesies spanned over four decades as the Lord enabled him to foretell earthquakes, tidal waves, comets, and weather patterns. Lent 2022: Skin to Skin: Lingering In The Presence of God: A 40-Day Soaking Challenge w/ Tiphani Montgomery! Bob Jones was certainly a champion of prophetic intercession. Theres nothing in the entire world that can withstand what the Father is bringing out of His armory. Bob moves with a clear revelatory gifting, accompanied by gifts of healing and miracles. Bob prophesied over me personally inGrandview, Missourion January 31, 1989. Mike Bickle a close friend of Jones relates the degree of supernatural visitation Bob Jones received nightly: "You know, I'm going to tell you something about Bob. Nevertheless, the elder Jones continued to raise money, preach regularly at chapel services, and provide inspiration to the hundreds of ministerial students who flooded the campus during the 1950s and revered him as "Doctor Bob." This is the greatest country I know of., Turner, 23-25. They were based in Statesville, North Carolina,just north of Charlotte. 4:7 And Gods peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. They moved to Sunny Hills, FL, which had a Chipley, FL address and zip code. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. It's a wonder it did not spoil me. Bob Jones Biography - - Bob Jones Biography and List of Works - Bob Jones Books Skip to content. 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